Are you prepared for a SHTF event? If not, you need to start planning now. Trials and tribulations are the rule of human existence; prosperity and civilization is the exception.

Going along thinking that nothing bad could possibly happen is dangerously shortsighted.

man wearing gas mask in urban doomsday event

A SHTF event is any catastrophic event that causes the breakdown of society. This could be a natural disaster, economic collapse, terrorist attack, or civil unrest.

This also means that the services we rely on to hold civilization together and the rule of law will also evaporate.

In times like that, only the hard, the strong, the prepared and the exceptionally lucky will survive.

If you are not prepared, your chances of survival are not good. In this article, we will discuss the basic steps you need to take to prepare for a SHTF event.

What are Some Common SHTF Events?

There are many potential SHTF events. Some of the more common ones include:

  • A natural disaster such as a hurricane, tornado, tsunami, wildfire or earthquake
  • A cyber-attack that cripples critical infrastructure
  • A long term power outage
  • An EMP
  • The eruption of a supervolcano

All of these events could have dreadful consequences on society, even the globe.

The toll in lives, property and material can be huge, from the local level to the national level. How can anyone survive something like that? How can you prepare for it?

Understanding Your Specific Vulnerability to SHTF Events

No matter what kind of incident you are likely to be facing, you will generally prepare yourself to deal with it at some point in the future the same as you would any other indeterminate problem.

Understanding the Threat

The first step is to educate yourself about the specific threat. What are the chances of it happening? What would be the consequences if it did happen? How much time do you have to prepare?

Identifying Your Risks

Once you understand the threat, you need to identify your specific risks. What parts of the country or world are most vulnerable? What are your specific vulnerabilities?

How will the event hurt you? Is it directly dangerous, or is it mostly dangerous because of second- and third-order consequences? How quickly can it arrive or occur?

Responding Correctly and Quickly

The next step is to respond to the event. How you will respond, and how accurate your assessment of the event is, will likely dictate your outcome.

This includes both short-term and long-term plans. What do you need to do immediately?

What can you put off until later? How will you get information about the event as it unfolds to further refine your response? Who will you rely on for help?

Sustaining Survival Necessities

In the aftermath of the event getting back to “normal” might be days, weeks, months or even years away. You will need to take care of your self and your loved ones until that time.

This includes having and continuing to provide food and water, shelter, clothes, medical supplies, security and all the other necessities of life. How will you accomplish that in your area or elsewhere?

The Phases of SHTF Preparedness

Talking stock of your vulnerability to all manner of incidents, disasters and threats can make you feel dizzy and a little sick.

There is so, so much that can wrong, that can hurt you! How does one even begin after waking up to the idea that the world won’t always be just hunky-dory?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this, but it’s a good idea to start by dividing SHTF preparedness into three phases: Prepping for the Short Term, Medium Term, and Long Term.

Prepping for the Short Term means having supplies and plans in place to get you through up to two weeks without any outside help. This might include things like food, water, first aid supplies, and self-defense items.

cans of peanut butter on pantry shelves
cans of peanut butter on pantry shelves

Prepping for the Medium Term means having supplies and plans in place to get you through up to two months without any outside help.

This might include things like long term food storage, fuel storage, alternate sources of power, sanitation considerations, etc.

Prepping for the Long Term means having supplies and plans in place to get you through an indefinite period of time without any outside help.

This might include things like a sustainable food source, alternate shelter, self-defense strategies that don’t rely on society, etc.

The important thing is to start with the phase that most applies to your current situation and work your way up. Don’t try to do it all at once – that’s both impossible and unnecessary.

Just take it one step at a time and soon you’ll be prepared for anything! Remember: all you can do is what you can do with what you have.

Short Term Prepping: Security, Food and Water, Shelter

One of the most important aspects of short term prepping is providing for security, food and water, and shelter.

Security is physical protection form a specific threat, be it people, a natural disaster or a man-created event or accident.

You need to have enough food and water to last you for at least two weeks for obvious reasons. You need shelter to protect yourself from exposure to the elements, particularly the cold.

Security: In a SHTF scenario, there will be no police or military to protect you. You will need to be able to defend yourself, your family, and your property from looters and other criminals.

This means you will need weapons and training in how to use them. You should also have a plan for fortifying your home against intruders.

Food and water: One of the first things that will disappear in a SHTF scenario is food and water. You need to have enough stored up to last you and your family for at least a few weeks.

If possible, you should also have a way to purify water and grow your own food.

Shelter: In a SHTF scenario, your home may not be safe. You may need to bug out to a safe location or build a shelter to protect yourself from the elements.

Either way, you will need to have supplies on hand to keep yourself and your family safe and comfortable.

Medium Term Prepping: Food Storage, Fuel Storage, Alternate Power, Sanitation

Once you have your basic security, food and water, and shelter needs taken care of, you can start to focus on medium term prepping. This involves preparing for a longer-term event or scenario in which outside help is not available.

Food Storage: One of the most important things you can do in a medium term SHTF scenario is store up enough food to last you for at least two months.

Home (pressure) canned and dehydrated long term pantry meals and sides.
Home (pressure) canned and dehydrated long term pantry meals and sides.

You should also have a way to cook that food without relying on outside sources of power.

Fuel Storage: In a medium term SHTF scenario, fuel will be in high demand and may be difficult to come by. You need to have enough stored up to last you for at least two months.

Alternate Power: If the power goes out in a medium term SHTF scenario, you will be without light, heat, and refrigeration. You need to have a plan for generating your own power or accessing alternate sources of power.

Sanitation: In a medium term SHTF scenario, sanitation may become a problem. You need to have plans for dealing with garbage, wastewater, and vermin infestations.

Long Term Prepping: Sustainable food source, Alternate shelter, Group self-defense strategies

Once you have taken care of your basic security, food and water, and shelter needs, you can start to focus on long term prepping.

This involves preparing for a scenario in which outside help is not available and may never be available again.

Sustainable food source: In a long term SHTF scenario, you will need to find a way to sustain yourself without relying on outside sources of food.

This means growing your own food or stockpiling food that does not require refrigeration or special handling.

Alternate Shelter: If the power goes out in a long term SHTF scenario, you may not be able to stay in your home anymore.

You need to have plans for alternate shelter, whether that means building your own shelter or finding a safe place to stay.

Group self-defense strategies: In a long term SHTF scenario, you will need to be able to defend yourself and your group from outside threats.

This means having a plan for how to deal with looters, raiders, and other groups that may pose a threat.

No matter what kind of SHTF event you are preparing for and no matter how long it lasts, security, food and water, and shelter are the most important things you need to focus on.

The only question is how long the crisis will last: that’s how long you must supply your own!

Skills Will Keep You Alive

While having supplies is important, it’s not the only thing that will keep you alive in a SHTF scenario. Your skills and knowledge will also play a big role in your ability to survive.

There are plenty of real-life tales floating around of extraordinarily well-equipped people who were found dead with most of their supplies intact.

Many of them committed suicide. Why? They lacked the skills and experience that would produce real confidence in the face of the unknown and the terrifying.

You’ll need to be well-rounded, but not necessarily an expert, in many skills to consider yourself prepared for any SHTF event. These include, but are not limited to:

Firearms and self-defense

You don’t need to be a Navy SEAL, but you should know how to use and maintain firearms, as well as how to defend yourself in hand-to-hand combat.

As mentioned above, a breakdown of law and order combined with human desperation will set the stage for plenty of dangerous conflicts.

First-aid and medical

The only thing that won’t be in short supply during an SHTF event is injury and illness.

You should know how to treat common injuries and illnesses, as well as how to administer first-aid and basic trauma care alike.

Food preservation

Food is an incredibly precious resources, and letting it go to waste during a crisis is a cardinal sin.

home canned food labeled with duct tape
home canned food labeled with duct tape

You should know how to can, dehydrate, and ferment food in order to maximize its shelf life and protect your investment.


A garden, even a small one, is an excellent component in a long-term food sustainability plan, and can provide you and yours with nutritious, fresh foods year around with proper planning.

rows of cabbage in veggie garden
rows of cabbage in veggie garden

You need to get started early and diligently maintain it if you want to reap the benefits, however.

Hunting and trapping

Animal protein is one of the best and most nutritious foods you can eat, but without your local grocery stocking cold cases full of it, you will be forced to find, catch and kill it yourself, and well as process the carcass.

You should know how to identify edible game, track animals, dispatch them effectively with a variety of weapons, and build traps.


If you live near large bodies of water, fish can well prove to be a superior and easier source of protein compared to terrestrial land mammals.

You should know how to identify edible fish, catch them, clean and cook them.

Shelter construction

Shelter is always going to be high up on the list of survival necessities, and you must be able to accommodate in any environment using any materials at hand.

You should be able to build a basic shelter out of natural materials and scavenged man-made supplies alike.

Outdoor Survival skills

You should know how to find and purify water, start fires without matches, and navigate in the wilderness and in urban areas.

The more skills you have, the better off you will be in a SHTF scenario. But don’t worry if you’re not an expert in all of these areas.

Start learning now, and you’ll be much better prepared than someone who waits until the last minute.

In many cases an “expert generalist” or jack of all trades is better off and more adaptable than an overspecialized master of only one skill.

First-Aid and Medical Considerations

Among the most important skills and supplies you can amass are those concerning first aid and other medical care.

So much of our modern lives are made possible and so many once hideous diseases and injuries made survival only thanks to modern medical care.

In the middle of an SHTF event, the intricate web that forms higher level medical Care institutions will degrade, become overwhelmed or stop working entirely.

this means that you must become your own first responder, and at least passingly competent. in many cases you will be the only medical care provider that an injured or sick person has access to.

This is a weighty responsibility, but one you can meet with some study and practice.

At the very least you should know how to perform CPR and how to deal with common injuries like lacerations, burns, broken bones and so on.

A good book on first aid is “Where There Is No Doctor” by David Werner. It’s available for free online and covers a wide range of topics in first aid, from dealing with gunshot wounds to childbirth.

You should also stock supplies like bandages, antiseptics, painkillers, and other basic medicines. If possible, learn how to make your own tinctures, salves, and other preparations from medicinal plants.

This could come in very handy if commercial supplies run out or are unavailable. A good book on this subject is “The Herbal Medicine Maker’s Handbook” by James Green.

Bugging Out

You’ll hear the phrase bugging out referred to constantly in prepping circles. bugging out is basically an evacuation, only one where you aren’t necessarily following the rest of the sheep as they head towards promised rescue.

Looking out means you are heading for a place of your choosing, or at least one you have determined to be safer then where you are.

Bugging out is typically done when the situation is so bad where you are or is likely to become untenable that you decide to take your chances on the road or by foot.

To do this you’ll need two things. You’ll need to have a bug out bag, a large bit of luggage that will carry all the supplies you need, and you’ll need a predesignated bug out location or two.

Your bug out bag should be packed with enough supplies to last you at least 72 hours, and ideally more. water, food, shelter, clothing, tools and weapons are all going to be important. You’ll also need medical supplies as mentioned above.

You should have a few different options for where you will go in the event that you need to bug out.

This could be a cabin in the woods owned by a friend or relative, a piece of property you own yourself or even just an area you are familiar with that is remote and has good resources like water and game.

The key is to have a plan and to practice it so that if the time comes when you need to implement it, everything will happen as smoothly as possible.

Bug-Out Bags

Your bug out bag it can be thought of as your survival air tank for an SHTF situation. This is what you will grab and strap on or toss in the car when you are running out the door to avoid trouble.

Your bug out bag will carry shelter supplies, water, food, defensive gear, navigational aids and more.

black bug out bag backpack
a black bug out bag backpack

Setting up a bug out bag, choosing a backpack, and packing one properly is an entire subject all on its own. But, here are a few tips to get you started.

Your bug out bag should be big enough to carry everything you need, but not too big or bulky that it becomes a pain to transport. It should also be comfortable enough to wear for extended periods of time.

You’ll want your bag to be as versatile as possible, able to handle different situations and environments. Think about packing supplies for different climates and terrains. Make sure you pack essential items like:

  • Water, food and cookware
  • Medical supplies (bandages, antiseptics)
  • Tools and weapons
  • Shelter (tarps, tents, hammocks)
  • Firestarting materials
  • Navigation aids (GPS, compass)
  • Clothing and bedding
  • Communication devices (radio, cell phone)
  • Cash and bartering goods
Baofeng HAM radio, walkie-talkies, flashlight and two chemlights
communication devices inside bug out bag: a Baofeng HAM radio, walkie-talkies, flashlight and two chemlights

And don’t forget the most important item of all: your emergency contact info and route plan, stored in a safe place. While bugging out may seem like an extreme measure, it’s best to have a plan in place

Practice packing your bug out bag and test it out on short day hikes or overnight camping trips.

This will help you to identify any areas that need improvement and make sure you have everything you need in an emergency situation.

Bug-Out Locations

Your bug out location is where you are heading to when you flee your own home.

This could be the house of a friend or relative, a piece of property you own, public land or anyplace else where you think you’ll be safe from the current threat and also have access to everything you need in order to survive.

Choosing bug out locations is another intricate topic, and there are many variables.

Variables such as the threat or disaster that sent you fleeing in the first place which could affect your bug out location, the season, the accessibility of the location and more.

But, some tips to get you started include:

  • Choosing a location that is familiar to you
  • Considering multiple locations in case one is inaccessible
  • Having a backup plan for your backup plan
  • Selecting locations with ample resources like water, food and shelter

Avoid bug-out locations that are:

  • Commonly traveled
  • Crowded or well-known
  • Difficult to get to
  • Limited in resources
  • Likely to be guarded or patrolled
  • Inherently dangerous

Remember, your goal is to get to your bug out location safely and with as little hassle as possible. So plan ahead and be prepared.

When it comes down to it, bugging out is not a decision to be made lightly. But, if you find yourself in a situation where it is the best option, then being prepared will make all the difference. Hope for the best but plan for the worst.

Bugging out isn’t something most people want to think about, but it’s important to be prepared.

By having a bug out bag packed and ready to go, and by choosing safe bug out locations ahead of time, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that you’re prepared for whatever comes your way.

Bugging In

Bugging in is the opposite of bugging out, a term used for staying put during a disaster or emergency situation.

This could be because bugging out is not an option, because the threat is too close to home or for any other number of reasons.

When you are able, bugging in is almost always a better, safer option than bugging out: you’ll have many more advantages!

When bugging in, it’s important to make sure your home is stocked with supplies and that you have a plan in place in case things go south. Some things to consider include:

  • Food and water storage
  • Medical supplies
  • Defensive measures (weapons, security systems)
  • Communication devices
  • Sanitation and hygiene items
  • Fuel and light sources

While bugging in is not as glamorous as bugging out, it’s the smarter option, and could very well save your life.

It’s also important to have a designated meeting spot for family members or loved ones in case of separation at the onset of the event.

By planning ahead and having a solid game plan, you can rest easy knowing that you’re prepared for any situation.

When disaster strikes, it’s important to have a plan. By having a bug out bag packed and ready to go, and by choosing safe bug out locations ahead of time, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that you’re prepared for whatever comes your way.

Bugging in is also an important part of disaster planning: make sure your home is stocked with supplies and has defensive measures in place in case things go south. With a little preparation, you can feel confident that you are ready for anything.

Preparing for SHTF with Family

One of the most important simultaneously the most frightening things you’ll have to deal with in order to get prepared for an SHTF event is getting ready to survive with your family.

For most of us, our family members are the most precious things in our lives, and if you are reading this you have probably taken the ultimate responsibility for their safety.

This is the way things are, but that doesn’t mean it is not going to be far more complicated than if you were just worried about yourself.

Each of your family members, depending on their age, condition and other factors, will bring more or less to the table when it comes to the business of survival.

Some of them will be genuine assets where others will be a sort of precious cargo that must only be protected. Some family members, particularly infants and very small children, are extremely burdensome and vulnerable.

This means you must plan around family and other group factors from the get-go no matter what situation you might conceivably be facing. Is it just you and your partner?

So long as they are fit and healthy you’ll at least have one person that you can trust to help take care of business.

If you have three different children of three different ages some might be more capable than others. Very elderly parents or infirm family members with special needs and care requirements will further complicate matters.

When considering complicated family situations it is easy to say that you will always bug in or always bug out, but it isn’t that simple. It is difficult to predict the domino effect of second and third order factors.

When it comes to preparing for SHTF, it’s important to involve your family in the process. This way, everyone will be on the same page and know what to do in case of an emergency. Here are some tips on how to get started:

Talk to your family about what could happen in a SHTF scenario. Discuss different scenarios and come up with a plan for each one.

  • Make sure everyone knows where the supplies are stored and how to access them.
  • Practice using the supplies so that everyone is familiar with them.
  • Have regular discussions about the plan so that everyone is up to date.
  • Following these tips will help ensure that your family is prepared for SHTF.

Worst-Case Scenarios

Worst-case scenarios are exactly what they sound like. These are events were absolutely everything that could go wrong has gone wrong, or genuinely apocalyptic happenings with national or global consequences.

This could be as simple as the total or near total collapse of government and the rule of law in a civilized Nation or something as cataclysmic as a planet-wiping asteroid strike.

Think of these as hard mode for what is already an extremely difficult situation.

These are the things that you are unlikely to survive even in a best case example, and surviving the aftermath will be incredibly complicated and difficult.

Nonetheless, it can still be done if you prepare accordingly but you’re going to have to prepare hard.

If you’re caught in a worst case scenario, the first and most important thing is to stay calm. Panicking will only make things worse.

You need to think clearly if you want to survive. The next step is to assess the situation and figure out what you can do to improve it.

This may include finding adequate shelter under the circumstances, gathering food and water, or trying to establish precisely what is happening and what you can expect in a chaotic world.

Whatever you do, try not to take unnecessary risks; there will be plenty to go around!

Lastly, remember that hope is not lost. There is always a chance for survival no matter how bleak things seem. Stay strong and never give up hope.

Now You’re Ready to Survive

No one knows when or where the next SHTF event will take place. But by preparing for all possible scenarios, you can increase your chances of survival.

Focus on basic security, food and water, and shelter needs first, then start to focus on long term prepping.

This involves preparing for a scenario in which outside help is not available. This has been just a basic overview of preparing for a SHTF event.

For more detailed information, check out our other articles on the subject. And remember, it’s always better to be prepared than sorry.

surviving SHTF Pinterest image

The post How to Survive a SHTF Event appeared first on Survival Sullivan.

This content was originally published here.

SHTFPreparedness may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page.

When it comes down to survival, it is absolutely vital to know what you can eat, and what you can’t eat, out in the wild. Knowing what is edible and good for you will keep you fed and alive, but eating the wrong thing could have some potentially terrible side effects!

Pinecones are relatively common and easy to find, and many animals consume them. So what if we told you that you could eat pine cones too? Of course, you’d have to then know how to find them, and how to eat them, and what parts of the pinecone to eat.

Luckily, we’re going to tell you all about eating pine cones, where to find them, and if there are any potential side effects. So let’s get right into it!

What Are Pinecones?

Before we proceed to talk about eating pine cones, it might be worth clarifying exactly what pinecones are, just so that we’re all on the same page!

Pinecones are essentially just the seeds of a pine tree. So you know how most trees will bear fruits, and the seeds are inside the fruit? Well, pine trees bear pinecones, and the seeds are protected by the scale of cones and the outer shell.

So pine cones grow on pine trees, and as they mature they will either be germinated in order to produce a new pine tree, or they will be eaten by animals, or simply fall to the ground.
It is also worth noting that there are both male pine cones and female pine cones, and they both have slight differences that tell them apart!

Can You Eat Pine Cones?

Let’s get to one of the most important questions: can pinecones be eaten? As in, is it safe to do so? Or should you stay away from them?

Well, the answer is yes! As in, you can absolutely eat pine cones, and it is safe to do so. At least in part.

So, male pine cones can be eaten in their entirety, and they are actually considered to be quite a delicacy in some parts of the world! A dry pine cone that has already matured, on the other hand, can’t be eaten directly. Instead, you can eat certain parts of it, or if you prepare the pinecone in a specific way.

Most commonly, it is just the seeds of a pinecone that are eaten, which are popularly known as pine nuts.

So…yeah. Although pinecones don’t look like the most appetizing of things, they have actually been harvested and consumed throughout history, in many different parts of the world. They can be eaten sweet, or savory, as sauces or garnishes, and in many different ways!

And if you find yourself desperately searching for a source of food out in the wild, knowing which pinecones you can eat, and which parts, will very much come in handy!

Which Parts Of The Pine Cone Are Edible?

Male pine cones that are still young and not mature, can be eaten whole. But as a general rule, pinecones are consumed by people eating the seeds of a female pine cone, aka, the pine nuts.

These seeds are more or less similar to sunflower seeds in size, they have a light cream color, and are described as being sweet and nutty in their flavor. Whether you like them or not, is completely subjective and up to you!

But here is the thing, there isn’t just one type of pinecone. There are, in fact, around 20 different species of a pinecone, found in different parts of the world. And although it is mostly safe to eat pine seeds from them, some species are toxic and non-edible. Meaning, you have to know which pinecones to eat, and which ones to avoid!

The most widespread species of a pinecone, from which humans commonly consume the pine nuts, are the following:

Different types of pine trees produce different seeds, that although are the same in concept, have different sizes, textures, and flavors. Asian pine seeds tend to be a lot more bitter, while European pine seeds are often sweeter.

And of course, there are many varieties in between. We recommend looking for pine nuts in the market, and testing out different varieties, so that you know what to look out for, and can decide which ones you prefer!

Other than eating the female pine cone seeds, the only other way of eating a pine cone is if you eat an immature male pine cone whole. But this option is not as common, despite it being a delicacy in some places. It is very important that the pinecone is still green and young, and it can be prepared and cooked in many different ways!

How To Eat Pine Cones

Pinecones can be eaten in many different ways, and there is a vast multitude of recipes and methods that you can follow when preparing them for consumption. Pine nuts, for example, can be eaten raw.

However, they are most commonly roasted, which intensifies their flavor, adding more nuttiness to them. They can be used as a salad topper, in desserts, added to pasta dishes, or simply as an added ingredient in a recipe just so that you have an extra tang of nut taste.

In places such as eastern Europe and Russia, pinecones are often made into a jam, to be used on toast, desserts, and more. In other places, pine nuts are used to make tea, and are sometimes even added to coffee as a flavoring option.

And some will use pine nuts in soups throughout the winter season! Truly, there are endless possibilities.

But basically, they are most often used as an added ingredient or flavor, rather than being eaten as a stand-alone food. Which makes sense, you’d need to have a very big plate of pine nuts in order to feel full!

If you are ever out in the wild, in survival mode, then one of the best ways to eat pine cones is to consume the spores of male pine cones. They have good nutritional values and can be used in stews and all sorts of meals.

The Nutritional Value Of Pinecones

In order to optimize your consumption of food, in dire situations, it is important to know what is going to give your body the needed nutrients, and therefore, you need to know the basic nutritional values of different foods and ingredients.

Pine nuts have fewer proteins than other more popular nuts such as almonds or walnuts, but they have a very big source of micronutrients and minerals that your body needs.

In fact, pine nuts include high amounts of manganese, which maintains bone density. They also contain magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, calcium, and the vitamins E and K.

Overall, pine nuts are good for your heart, and they are good antioxidants. They are also great at controlling blood sugar levels, and they lower bad cholesterol. They are also good for your mind, and can even help improve your memory and cognitive functions!

In many cultures, pinecone jam and pinecone recipes in general, are also considered to be good for curing all sorts of problems and are used to boost the immune system and protect the body from illness.

Potential Side Effects Of Eating Pine Cones

Finally, let’s address one of the other important questions on eating pine cones: the potential side effects.

We will begin by saying that some people can be allergic to pine nuts, in the same way that people are allergic to other types of nuts.

They could cause reactions such as swelling of the tongue and lips, vomiting, hives, tightening of the chest, difficulty breathing, and others. If this happens to you, then you should seek medical help immediately, and avoid them from then on.

If you eat certain pine nuts raw, you might also get pine mouth syndrome. This is essentially a side effect that causes your mouth to have an unpleasant bitter taste, which can last for up to a month. And trust us, it is not a nice side effect to have to suffer through!

This is why it is recommended to cook pinecones, even if they are safe to consume raw. Just to be on the safe side!

Final Thoughts

To sum this all up, the basic answer is yes. You can indeed eat pine cones, and it will mostly be safe. You either eat young male pine cones or the seeds of female pine cones, and they can be eaten raw, or preferably cooked and prepared.

Pinecones can be found anywhere you can find pine trees, as that is where they come from. And the potential side effects you should worry about are being allergic or eating the wrong kind of pine cone species, which will be unsafe.

Bonus: Root Cellar That Can Be Used as a Bunker

Do you remember the old root cellars our great-grandparents used to have? In fact, they probably built it themselves, right in their back yard.

If you want to learn how to build a backyard bunker like your grandparents had, without breaking the bank, then you need Easy Cellar.

Easy Cellar will show you:

Easy Cellar will also reveal how a veteran, with only $421, built a small nuclear bunker in his backyard.

This content was originally published here.

How do you evacuate with wealth on your person in a manageable form without getting yourself robbed/killed after SHTF? Are there lessons we can learn here from Venezuela?

Well, protecting “wealth” was not exactly something I had to worry about. I had a little set aside in savings, yes, but that was gone in a blink. I didn’t have silver, much less gold to take abroad with me. But having gone through a communist-style post guard and learning about the hundreds of stories where those guys ransacked wealthy passengers dumb enough to flash their shiny jewelry in the nose of those guys, I can provide some advice.

The first thing you need to know is that customs at the border will be brutal.

Laws at the border can be and will be enforced. The ruling mafia issued “laws” that “allow” them (against our Constitution, which guarantees private property) to imprison someone because of  “strategic materials trafficking,” or whatever their conception of that means. For those of you living in democratic countries, this may sound exaggerated. It’s not. I’m being forgiving with my descriptions here.

People have been in trouble with the NGs because of wearing a large amount of jewelry. Even though it’s private property, the loose term “strategic materials” was coined by the communist invaders to give the uniforms in charge the “justification” to rob people blind. Of course, these “materials” NEVER end in the country’s pockets, but in the uniforms’. Your choices were to surrender your goods or go to jail. The world just looked to the other side as this happened in Venezuela, while in Ukraine, all kinds of military support are being sent. This is the sort of thing Venezuelans have been dealing with for a long time. You won’t find anyone in the streets with a gold watch or brand-name designer shoes. The only ones who can afford that belong in the mafia.

That being said, if, God forbid, you are in need to flee away from your homeland someday, there is a lot of planning to do.

But what sort of scenarios can cause one to realize they need to flee to safety?

Let’s see.

  • Businesses start to shut down one after another, and suddenly your job is at risk or lost without hope.
  • If you are a business owner, and income starts going south while expenses go up.
  • Inflation rises beyond expectations.

All of this has been seen to some degree but can present anytime, and to an extension, that would make it very hard to manage, and the lack of control can escalate fast.

The concept of diversification.

This has been quite important in my own prepping process. . By doing so, you reduce the risk of losing everything if things go the wrong way. Easier said than done, isn’t it? That’s why you need to dedicate time to study and research to this topic.

Now let us consider the following items, should you need to evacuate with enough resources to start over somewhere else. Oh, and I speak from experience here: choose your destination wisely, do your homework, and select two or three good options before deciding on one.

Ultimately, though, you can narrow your decisions down to two broad groups:

  • Location – Are you fleeing away? To where?
  • Where you are going to put your money?
    • Offshore accounts/trusts
    • Precious metals
    • Gear, tools, and equipment
    • Art and collectible items
    • Papers
    • Cryptocurrencies

Get a patch of land to go to in a country you choose.

Owning a safe haven abroad outside of your current country’s borders is a very interesting and desirable step towards protection against SHTF. Unless things get really ugly, and unless you bought a McMansion instead of a good, comfortable but modest house, suited to the normal standards without too much flamboyant stuff and (maybe) built an underground facility for (ahem) “wine and cheese,” foreigners should be reasonably safe in most countries.

It’s not the same telling the customs officers  “I’m here for a short vacation,” as it is smiling and saying, “We are just heading down to our vacation home.” By going the vacation home route, it means you trust in their country, that you bring money with you, that you’re going to invest, and that you won’t be a burden nor another mouth to feed for the government they work so hard for. In some countries, you can find a nice hacienda for little money, so why don’t you go old school all the way and put some valuables there?

Oh, and of course, the land itself has always been a traditional means to preserve wealth.

(Check out our free QUICKSTART Guide on emergency evacuations as you think over this subject.)

Open an offshore bank account in the country you choose

If you have enough wealth to protect, opening an offshore trust is going to be a need. Countries like Belize, Saint Kitt-Nevis, and other similar ones offer good advantages in this regard. There are several options here, as usual, but this is one of the most appealing. You don’t need to move any money physically, and the important steps can be done online if you want. Their governments offer some degree of protection for this capital, too.

Make sure you know the laws for doing this before you do something illegal, though.

Physical gold and silver

Let’s face it: traveling between countries with physical valuables like gold is a very risky business. And even these little tricks have their caveats. I can say, as a metallurgist, using  or  will fulfill your needs here for a dense, easily transportable means of wealth.

In every country, you could find where to exchange these precious metals for cash. I know, because back in the worst of the crisis, merchants were eager to get their hands on all the certified precious metals they could find. Usually, no questions were asked and one would be paid in local currency. An advantage of things like rhodium is…well, it is not gold, and most people won’t even know what it is for, nor where to sell it. And as you’ve done your research previously, you will have already contacted someone in your destination that could be interested, given the case.

Just as a side comment, if you are evacuating a disaster area within your own country, there is a LOT of places you can conceal 1 gram gold bars (just be creative, they are small and flat enough) or a few silver ounces. Krugerrands are universally accepted, too, and they can come in several sizes suitable for concealing. This is not an ideal means to evacuate with money. If you’re crossing borders…well, anything can happen.

No matter how well hidden you believe some gold coins can be, a scanner will find them, and then you will be in serious trouble. Just make sure to read and understand every law concerning the possession of precious metals and bringing them with you into the country.

This being said, there is a historical fact that we can’t avoid: the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic did not move people towards using gold. The system used was ! This takes to one of the next items to consider: gear and equipment.

Gear and equipment

This should be considered part of your strategy, as well. I take it as a diversification means: gear is income-generation tools. Woodworking tools, a CNC machine, a rotary lathe – these are all money-holding tools. Anything that allows you to generate some income belongs to this classification.

A special comment here. Even if the internet goes down sometime in the future, there are economically efficient ways to sell and purchase basic products, supplies, and staples, like a local or even regional level radio packet BBS. This is “old” technology that was rapidly displaced by the almighty internet, but personally, I find it quite useful if (or when) a severe disaster happens and the internet is shut down for a while.

I don’t know how likely that scenario is, but after 2020, I’d rather invest a little time and maybe throw in some resources to get the electronics and such I need sooner rather than later. With this, we can set up a bartering network via HAM, no matter the country you’re in, as long as you hold a HAM license. That will be further explained in the future, though.

Art and collectibles

Without being a specialist, I can say this would be a good method to store wealth. Artwork will usually increase in value over time. However, you’ll have to figure out how to get this into your final destination of choice. A friend of a friend here used this strategy successfully.

She would buy pieces by local artists and would add them to her luggage. The airfare and amount for the artwork would be paid by the buyer at her end destination. She was the mule. A couple of sculptures, and mostly paintings out of their frames were her primary means of doing this.

Papers: Funds, bonds, stocks

The risk with these is the same that with every other security printed on paper. It could be incredibly valuable…or not. My knowledge of financial issues is quite limited, but experience and common sense tell me not to invest too much in this sort of value unless you know what you’re doing. You should never invest money you can’t afford to lose, as well, so take that as a guideline.


Nowadays, we have the means to store a good amount of wealth digitally. However, before getting into this, do your own research. You don’t need an IT degree, but cryptocurrency can seem relatively complex at the very beginning, and it deserves your time and attention. Just don’t be scared about the mechanics involved. You can buy them now with your debit card online, just like you make a payment in some of those wonderful systems we use, and the amount will appear in a few minutes in your cryptowallet.

Many places now accept them as a payment means, and their usage is quickly spreading. There are plenty of currencies, but as usual, stick to the most popular and well-known: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cardano. Just read a little, and you will be able to decide what you want to put your money into.

The advantages to protecting a good amount of money, though, are good enough. In a package the size of a thumb drive, you can store millions of whatever currency you want. Cryptos are very likely to go up in value just because they were created with the purpose of substituting an ancient fiat currency system and designed to become scarcer on time. The negative part is, you’re going to NEED the Internet infrastructure to work, obviously.


I have to mention one unexpected wealth storage means – vehicles.

I know people here that have invested in several vehicles, using just one as a daily driver, and storing the others.  Low mileage is key, and usually, these “investment” cars were sold like warm , especially after the brand new car assembly facilities closed.

What are your thoughts on how to evacuate with wealth?

I truly hope you find this useful, and as usual, I hope as well that you never find yourselves in need. That if you decide to flee away, it will be for your own will and pleasure, not because you´re forced to.

Thanks for your support, and remember,

Stay tuned!

Do you have any additional thoughts on how to evacuate with your wealth intact? Please share them in the comments.

Note From Daisy: I recommend Bobby Casey’s Global Wealth Protection services if you are looking for professional help with this. I don’t get a commission – I can tell you from personal experience that he’s excellent and I want to pass on his information.

About Jose

Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has an old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Jose and his younger kid are currently back in Venezuela, after the intention of setting up a new life in another country didn’t  go well. The SARSCOV2 re-shaped the labor market and South American economy so he decided to give it a try to homestead in the mountains, and make a living as best as possible. But this time in his own land, and surrounded by family, friends and acquaintances, with all the gear and equipment collected, as the initial plan was.

 Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on PatreonDonations:

The post How to Evacuate with Wealth When the SHTF appeared first on The Organic Prepper.

This content was originally published here.

There is plenty of talk in the preppersphere about surviving the collapse of society, and much of the planning in that regard revolves around bugging in or bugging out.

barn with eroded ground in front during winter
a barn with eroded ground in front during winter

This is reasonable enough, but especially as it pertains to bugging in, it is rarely discussed that certain regions are entirely unsuitable for the purpose.

As with most life or death situations, positioning is critical to ensuring success, and if you live in a place that is going to present you with far more obstacles and disadvantages than it will resources and better chances for survival.

No matter how prepared you are, no matter what kind of home field advantage you think you might have under the circumstances, the odds are definitely against you in some places.

It makes sense, then, if one is truly committed to affording themselves and their loved ones the best possible chances to survive the societal collapse that will invariably erupt out of our ever-widening cultural schism, you’ll need to stake your claim in a place that will resist the effects.

In this article I will tell you about five such places throughout our once great nation.

Be Warned: No Place is Safe, Only Safer

Before we get to the list, I want to make something of a disclaimer. Although we as humans love absolute, tidy and simple answers to complex questions, life rarely works that way. It works this way on this topic, that’s for sure.

When considering a paradigm-changing event like a genuine societal collapse, it is almost impossible to forecast all of the things that will occur as a result of it and, more importantly, where they occur.

That means that harm could come to you anywhere, even in such places as I have listed below that have shown to be historically stable during times of trouble.

No place that has humans living there is ever 100% safe, and even if you are surviving 100% by yourself you could still face many dangers. You could arrive at a place to find it worse than the place you left.

When that happens, it is time to go to Plan C. Being prepared to deal with grueling and unexpected setbacks is what prepping is all about!

The Safest Places to Live when the SHTF

The following regions represent a cross section of some of the very best places to live or if possible retreat to during a societal collapse.

Obviously, this is a theoretical exercise and things could turn out to be particularly awful at any of these places in which case I might have egg on my face.

However, notwithstanding a particular threat endemic to any of the regions below you will find that they have much to offer preppers.

Each has excellent suitability for agriculture, hunting and procurement of water but is also culturally largely homogeneous, has smaller populations that trend toward being widespread and feature generally mild, livable climates that will not pose much in the way of major challenges towards survival.

Additionally, with few exceptions, each will afford you plenty of room to get away from high order military and civil targets as discussed above.

Southern Idaho

Southern Idaho is one of the best kept secrets among the states as far as I’m concerned. A beautiful, varied biome that is suitable for all kinds of farming, reasonably mild weather even if the winters can get a little challenging, and a broadly similar culture throughout the entirety of the state.

Even better, what population there is outside of the two major cities is pretty well evenly distributed, and there are plenty of places to go if you want to get away from it all and everyone else, or make a go of it as part of a smaller community.

Perhaps the only thing that one should be aware of is the proximity to the west coast, and in the event of a nationally challenging societal collapse you could be facing hordes of refugees from leftist strongholds.

Northern Georgia and Alabama, Southern Tennessee

The Mid-South has much to recommend it for those who desire self-sufficiency and plenty of breathing room between you and a major city. Balmy, hot summers and mild winters make this an excellent place to live without worrying about the worst of climatic extremes, and the entire region is a veritable cornucopia of agriculture and hunting.

Perhaps of more interest to hardcore preppers is the region’s friendliness and amiability towards property rights, water rights and more, with Alabama in particular having extraordinarily affordable land throughout the state.

No matter what kind of terrain you prefer, you can find it in this region and plenty of water to go along with it.

Strong conservative culture along with equally strong views towards personal freedom and gun rights means that this tri-state area might well be a bastion of freedom and civilization when everything else starts to crumble.

Northern Texas

Everything’s bigger in Texas. The portions, the guns and apparently the freedom. There is a lot to love about Texas even in normal times, but the state might have special advantages in times of real trouble.

Compared to the southern and gulf coast part of the state, northern Texas is seen as boring and does not get much attention. It is sparsely populated, but this might work to our advantage in our case.

The weather is somewhat milder, the terrain gentler, and just as amicable for growing crops as it is for raising a variety of livestock. There is still plenty of opportunity for hunting and reasonably ample fresh water to be found throughout.

The only thing that might snare folks who would consider a move to this location is that property taxes and other costs can be quite high in certain specific areas, but considering there is so much land to be had this is probably a trifling concern.

It’s not all good news, and if you were already worried about major domestic problems here at home the relatively close proximity to the Mexican border could give you pause.

However, compared to the southern parts of the state you’ll have a lot of distance to go between you and there.

Northern Arkansas

Northern Arkansas makes up the lion’s share of a region colloquially known as the Ozarks, a huge swath of interior highlands that is as renowned for its natural beauty as its bounty.

Lush, fertile and minimally populated, comparatively to the rest of the region, no doubt this place looks like a proper paradise compared to most places that you’re likely to be fleeing during an SHTF event.

The climate is probably the best part of this area, though you’ll be overflowing with natural resources, both plants and animals, and should not want for great cropping opportunities or game hunting.

Plenty of wide open spaces and an abundance of other resources means you should have everything you need if you’ve got the skills and a few good people as your neighbors.

Something to keep in mind is that this region might be considered the geographical crossroads of America, and you likely aren’t the only one who has had the idea of retreating to this place…

Western Carolinas, West Virginia, Eastern Kentucky, Eastern Tennessee

The Appalachian Mountains are known more for their rugged and mysterious beauty than their towering and imposing height, but that does not mean whatsoever that they are unable to help residents resist the intrusion of outsiders.

Fleeing to the mountains in times of trouble has long been a good choice when humanity is faced with existential dangers, and that remains true today.

But instead of rocky and mostly barren slopes you’ll have abundant forests with fertile soil and an amazing natural bounty along with copious fresh water resources at your beck and call.

Sure, they might be easy enough to navigate so long as you keep to the highways and interstates, but the farther you get from will traveled routes and tourist destinations the more remote and mysterious they become, perfect for giving interlopers and intruders the bamboozle.

Concerning the weather, this area is relatively mild throughout though higher elevations always bring with it the risk of particularly harsh winters.

One should also keep in mind that living on a slope means that the risk of avalanche and mudslide will be a particular danger when precipitation is high.

Southern Alaska

At first glance, southern Alaska might seem like it is in violation of our “No harsh climate” rules, but this area in particular has an awful lot going for it, and the average temperature in December is usually above zero.

With a small population, abundant resources (including oil!) and the sort of remote harshness that will dissuade all but the most dedicated or motivated people, southern Alaska is a great place to ride out the collapse of society.

You definitely won’t want for food so long as you have the skills to get it because marine and terrestrial wildlife is abundant. 

Perhaps the biggest problem with southern Alaska is that you’re going to have a very hard time getting there if you don’t live there already.

An overland trek takes you through some very harsh and very remote country from the lower 48,and the locals are generally wary of transplants as a rule.

Vermont & New Hampshire

In probably the most surprising inclusion on this list, most folks don’t think of New England when they think about places to ride out a societal collapse.

Most preppers think the opposite, wanting to get as far away from there as possible on account of large leftist hellscapes like New York City, Boston and Buffalo.

But if you travel up farther into the furthest reaches you’ll come to States like Maine and in particular Vermont and New Hampshire.

These states have low populations, are absolutely covered with forests and have abundant natural resources that can make surviving the harsh winters comparatively easy.

Away from the largest cities, there is a not altogether surprising culture of preparedness and self-sufficiency, one that echoes frontier lifestyles of yesteryear.

As you might be expecting, the general proximity to some of the largest metropolitan areas in the country is cause for concern but the deeper you travel off the beaten path into either of these states the more secluded and remote habitation becomes, serving as a natural defensive measure.

Northern Louisiana

The stereotypical image of Louisiana is that of the state that resides on or near the Gulf of Mexico.

Northern Louisiana is quite a bit different, but one that has much to recommend it for riding out the collapse of society. Louisiana is rightly famous for its various ecosystems that are host to an amazing variety of flora and fauna, but that isn’t all that it has going for it.

Land in this part of the state is cheap, and although water rights might vary from the highly restrictive to the highly inclusive depending on where exactly you are, most folks that desire seclusion or living as part of a small, tight-knit community will like this region.

The general accessibility from other neighboring states with similar mindsets makes this a natural choice for a “Plan B” if you live anywhere in the near southwest or deep south.

Another added advantage is that staying well away from the coast means you will likely be spared from the worst that frequent hurricanes have to offer.


Wyoming is the closest thing that we have in the lower 48 to a proper frontier state. Wyoming is host to a very small population that is spread out all over the place, and even the largest settlements don’t feel big compared to many other cities.

Plenty of land, ample resources and manageable weather that is particularly pleasant and mild in the summertime means you won’t be battling mother nature too often. This is a great place to raise livestock or homestead and will pay dividends the earlier you get started.

As a rule, the state and bodies strong conservative values and engenders attitudes of self-reliance and self-control.

You have to really want it if you want to get to some places in Wyoming, and living in these remote areas means that most trouble is going to give up well before it reaches you.

Southern Missouri

Southern Missouri is something of a best-kept secret in my book. Incredibly lush, pleasant weather and a fantastic region that exemplifies biodiversity and agriculture potential, this is an area that is rich with resources of all kinds.

In fact, part of the Ozarks region covers much of southern Missouri, and this makes it a natural complement if you don’t want to live on the Arkansas side. 

Whether you want an on the grid house in a small community where everyone knows each other or off the grid retreat, Missouri’s amiable property laws, water rights and more will help facilitate that reality.

Start Looking For Land Today

One should not attempt to ride out the collapse of society in a place that is going to suffer the most when that event takes place.

You’ll have plenty to worry about when it comes to survival even under ideal circumstances, so you shouldn’t make things harder on yourself than you have to.

Living in a place that is culturally unified with abundant natural resources and less competition from other survivors will set you up for success.

safest places when SHTF

The post 10 Safest Places to Live when the SHTF appeared first on Survival Sullivan.

This content was originally published here.

Author of  , SHTF Survival Stories, and here.

So, top ten things to do when SHTF.

First, lets be sure what we are talking about here, because articles like “top ten things to do” or “ top 20,100,1000 things to have when SHTF” are usually going into endless and pointless lists that look like grocery shop list. “Top ten things that will be missing when SHTF” -yeah, if shops are gone, you gonna miss everything from it.

I mean, if first advice in article about “top ten things to do when SHTF” is to “get fit” I do not want to read it because, obviously, I will have more important things to do in the first moment when SHTF other than to get fit. I should get fit long time before that moment.


You have smart articles written by ex-soldiers about what to do when SHTF, and article is full of military gear, team buddies, particular weapon, military cool acronyms, fast movement and so on and so on.

I am ex-soldier, and guess what? My knees are not like they use to be, I do not have range of weapons, buddies, will, brain-mind (or absence of it), back, strength like I had it when I was soldier, and most of the people who will read article will not be soldiers neither. So why in the world I would write it as a soldier for soldiers? Just because it look smart and cool? Where is that smart ass who concluded that once when SHTF everyone will be able to march 100 miles with 40 kilos backpack with team of highly trained and equally capable friends?

From my experience, most of people end up surviving with old mother, sick wife, grumpy mother-in-law, high-pressure problems, etc.

So this is not gonna be another “top ten things to do when SHTF” list.

Anyway, something happen, and what next?

The first question when SHTF: What is going on?

The first and most important thing is to actually figure out what’s going on.

Now, what that mean?

Since there is no generic advice for every situation (no matter what some authors are trying to tell you), and there is no one article that will help you in every situation I need to explain bit this “what’s going on” thing.

Your first task should be to gather information, but in a way, and only in a way, to give you an idea what your next step should be.

So, for example, if you woken in the middle of night with strong explosion-this step of gathering information is NOT to dress up and go out into direction of explosion to check up what’s going on.

For example, your step should be to check is there still electricity in your apartment, to check radio, news, or TV, to ask guy on the street from your window (yes, there will be people in the street checking what’s going on). Try to gather info right from your immediate position.

Do not end up dead looking heavily for the information. Sometimes lack of information is actually only information that you going to get, and you will act based on that.

At this moment, you do not necessarily need to know (if not safe) what exactly happened. You need to know is it dangerous for you immediately.

The second question when SHTF: What I am going to do?

After you gather information on what just happen, or after you realized that you do not have a clue what is going on, your next question should be, “What I am going to do?”

Many survival authors at this second “What I am going to do?” step takes for granted that you need to go, move, leave your home.

Folks, without proper information, and if your life, safety, and security is not immediate in danger, it is absolutely ridiculous to leave your home immediately.

shtf house
What you know tends to be safer.

Why would you change your known settings (home) for unknown settings (outside of your home)?

Is it just because you heavily planned to bug out?

At this step and moment forget for a minute what you planned. There are only two things important in this moment:

  1. Are you in danger in your immediate setting (home)?
  2. Do you have information about what’s going on outside that tell you you might be soon in danger in your immediate setting (gang of looters going in your direction, poisonous cloud coming, enemy army, terrorist, etc.)?

Do not fall under the influence of a whole bunch of nonsense, and do not act based on someone else advice and plans that are absolutely not working for your situation, or even worse not working for any situation because man who written advice do not know s..t about anything.

Equally, if you conclude based on info that you gather that it is smart to leave home, you should leave it as soon as possible.

That does not mean running in sheer panic.

It means that because you are a prepper, you already (hopefully) have prepared a plan and things about what you are carrying with you, how you are doing that, where you are going, and how you are doing that.

(For more information on how to plan your emergency evacuation, check out our free QUICKSTART Guide on the subject.)

I do not have specific advice here, not because I do not know it, it is because I do not know your specific settings. So, if I tell you you need to have 4×4 vehicle, I might be wrong because you living in dense populated urban area that will be completely blocked in case of any bigger problem. So for you as a mean of transport it is much better to have E-bike or good pair of walking boots.

You as a prepper should have plans and details ready long time ago about everything based on your own specific settings.

Whoever gives you specific advice without knowing your settings in depth is not doing too much good.

For beginners, there is generic advice preppers should know.

These can be summed up into two rules:

  • Your life, and life of your family is important. Physical things are not important at this moment. Those can be obtained, earned, bought again. So, if you have to leave everything behind just with backpack on your back because your life is in danger – do not hesitate.
  • If you are not sure what to do, simply go to safety. However this may sound lame, it is good advice. If your home is not safe and building across the street is safe, then go there. Or if park is safe at the moment, you ll go there. In other words, if you are not sure, just think in terms of safety or where is your life in danger and where it is safe at the moment.
shtf building
If a building like this offers better protection than the streets, use it.

Cover the basics. ALWAYS.

Always go back to basics, and think about layers.

It can be terrorist attack, it can be third world war, it can be a tornado, but basics MUST be there with you all the time.

Fire, shelter, water, medical, food, comms, defense. Those are basics that you have to be aware of, and basics that you have to cover in any moment and in any situation. Always.

How hard and deep and in what layers you will cover it is up to you and up to given situation. For example, shelter can be your van, and also it can be only plastic tarp. It depends on many factors, but do not allow yourself to end up in SHTF without covering all fields above to some possible extent (depth).

For example, if you are forced to run in one minute from your apartment, you need to have covered all fields, even if that means power bar for food, alcohol pads for medical, cell phone for comms, kitchen knife for defense, Bic lighter for fire, emergency blanket for shelter, bottle of water for water.

It is first and most simplest layer, but you cover it all, and it is worst case situation, but you covered it.

In real life and in real preppers it should be covered much more in-depth, but you get the idea. These are the basics of survival. Cover these rules, and you have much higher chance of survive.

Tell me your thinking. Are you in agreement with what I have to say? Post your opinions in the below part.

About Selco:

Selco survived the Balkan war of the 90s in a city under siege, without electricity, running water, or food distribution. 

In his online works, he gives an inside view of the reality of survival under the harshest conditions. He reviews what works and what doesn’t, tells you the hard lessons he learned, and shares how he prepares today. He never stopped learning about survival and preparedness since the war. Regardless of what happens, chances are you will never experience extreme situations as Selco did. But you have the chance to learn from him and how he faced death for months.

  • Read more of Selco’s articles here.
  • Buy his PDF books here.
  • Find him on Patreon.

Real survival is not romantic or idealistic. It is brutal, hard and unfair. Let Selco take you into that world.

The post SELCO: Why I’m NOT Giving You a List of 10 Things to Do When the SHTF appeared first on The Organic Prepper.

This content was originally published here.

If there’s one salient lesson I have learned in my life it’s that most people are completely wrong most of the time, especially when it comes to assessing the importance and future outcome of current affairs. I know this may sound somewhat elitist but it’s an all encompassing observation I have made on numerous occasion in my life, and as such it has become a core tenet that in year’s past has saved me from financial ruin many times over.

So when I look at the firehose of histrionics and brinksmanship surrounding the military conflict in Ukraine I can’t help but take step back and pause. Far be it from me to offer any opinions on that particular train wreck. Instead let me propose an alternative perspective, which is to basically ignore it all and simply focus on the price action. As the old saying goes: Money talks, bullshit walks.

So let’s do just that. Irrespective of headlines galore suggesting valuable tips of how to survive the impending nuclear winter equities across the board have embarked on a sharp bounce – along  with the USD by the way.

The take-away lesson for all of us apparently seems to be that a possible direct and potentially nuclear conflict with Russia is bullish for both the U.S. Dollar and equities at the same time. A notion I have a hard time wrapping my head around, but effectively that’s the entire point of this post: DON’T!

Attempting to guess and second-guess how any of the incessant crisis, turmoil, and growing chaos we have experienced over the past 20 years may affect our lives has been a giant exercise in futility. Case in point: Had I shown you a collection of this month’s headlines just a little over two years ago you would have probably told me to stop reading Alex Jones and get my head examined.

Rightly so but it just goes to show that the only way to survive and prosper in a period of growing societal and political upheaval is to be nimble and to take anything you may hear or read with a truckload full of salt.

Another key requirement to financial survival in volatile times is to focus on a time tested and highly reliable arbiter of truth which is PRICE. Yes it will often attempt to deceive and seduce you into making bad decisions but in the end the truth always always reveals itself.

Last Friday’s wipeout for example was quickly reversed for no real apparent reason whatsoever. From a purely technical perspective this can be positive but it can also be very negative in that early bear markets often are marked by violent snapback rallies.

The trick lies in knowing how to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to say, which can easily be done by looking at implied volatility in its various incarnations. The VIX for example gives us a pretty good understanding of how risk is being priced. To that extend it acts like a fear index.

However it’s not a 2-dimensional measure as sentiment not only evolves over time but also projects forward in various ways. What I mean by that is that just by comparing by how risk is being priced today vs. how risk is being priced e.g. two or three months from now I can get a pretty good view as to the attitude of the market.

And despite the current bounce in equities option sellers are anticipating big trouble ahead, evidenced by the fact that VX product depth remains in very steep backwardation.

Nevertheless the VVIX – the volatility of implied volatility has dropped significantly and has now receded back to its current rising baseline. Perhaps that is one of the cases when fear is perceived as having peaked and a collective expectation of at least a dead cat bounce.

On Friday I expected a reversion to the mean last week and sold an ITM VXX spread in anticipation of a drop in IV throughout the current week.

However the current reading near the Monday open is significantly higher, which suggests that we may see yet more drama ahead.

In case you wonder – I am sufficiently hedged on the downside as I wisely accumulated longer term bearish options spreads over the course of February.

Wrapping things up with the situation over in cryptolandia. Well let’s not sugar-coat it – it’s been pretty ugly since late last year, although more serene over the course of last week. Which is very promising especially as it is also holding the $34,000 mark despite a ramp in the Dollar.

Nevertheless what I have said for weeks now still holds true today: Bitcoin needs to hold $30,000 at all cost or it may end up falling off the plate. Curiously I keep seeing massive accumulation on parts of the whales, and perhaps that is the reason we seem to be painting a floor above that $30k mark, albeit slowly and painfully.

Bottom line: We live in volatile times and that both spells risk but also opportunity. My modus operandi, as usual, is to fade public sentiment and focus on conservatively selling risk while fear runs high. Once the obligatory bounce has materialized continue to accumulate more downside protection.

Any attempts to trade on direction in the current environment is all about guaranteed to take you to the cleaners.

This content was originally published here.

Top 10 PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) For Survivalists
Top 10 Most Important PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Items For Survivalists. Graphic © Background photo – Pixabay (PD)

The term PPE is generally used in reference to worker safety – and the use of PPE in the work environment is typically covered by workplace regulations / code requirements. That’s not the topic of this guide: If you are using or supplying PPE in the workplace, please refer to official documentation and safety codes for your intended use. Note also that using PPE in non-workplace scenarios may be disclaimed from manufacturer liability under “not used as intended” clauses.

The above notwithstanding, an alternate arena in which PPE may be of very high importance is of course SHTF / survival scenarios. Survival situations can be unpredictable, unforeseen and chaotic – meaning that it’s a good idea to have some good general purpose protective gear on hand that can help you get through “whatever is happening”. Good quality PPE can be invaluable and potentially lifesaving when things take a turn for the worse. Many of these items are also super-useful in day-to-day life, making them a valuable investment!

Let’s take a look (in no particular order) at ten of the most valuable types of PPE that may be of benefit in survival and emergency situations.

1. Boots

Army training has for many centuries included proper boot maintenance – for a good reason: Good footwear can make the difference between combat-ready and immobilized! The fact that soldiers place such a high emphasis on boots indicates that all survivalists should take note. Don’t skimp on a good pair of boots.

I can’t imagine being in a survival situation in sneakers. They are good for running, of course, but that’s about it. They offer minimal protection to the feet against injury, whether it be crush injuries from heavy / falling objects, or against sharp objects from below. They offer zero ankle protection and minimal protection against sharp, thorny undergrowth. Same goes for other everyday footwear.

Get some good quality, sturdy boots of the correct fit and “break them in”: Wearing brand new leather boots for the first time in a ‘situation’ is a recipe for serious blisters or worse – boots should be broken in before they can be considered ready for action. In the good old days, we used to break in new leather-upper boots by standing in water up to the ankle before wearing them for the first time. This would soften the leather and make it pliable, allowing it to adjust and conform to the shape of the foot, maintaining this shape as it dried. So you had a soggy first outing but were left with a significantly better fit for the rest of the boot’s lifetime. I don’t know if this practice is still the norm, it may well be – but note that this tactic would only apply to leather; man-made fabrics won’t have this characteristic.

Here are some top-rated boots for you to consider:

First up are the very highly regarded USA-made Danner USMC Military Boots:

These are all-terrain, rugged boots supplied to U.S. military personnel – check the rave reviews from Marines! Interestingly, these boots appear to have major overstock at the moment; having been made in large numbers for Afghan deployments, and therefore may be obtained for much less than the full RRP. Snap them up!

The Dr. Martens 1460 is an old classic – a durable, hard wearing general purpose boot that has stood the test of time:

Here’s a Timberland steel toecap boot that would be a valuable addition to your survival gear. It is well suited to industrial and other work requiring toe protection:

A popular type of boot that has come to the fore in recent years is the so-called “tactical boot”:

These are a sort of hybrid of a boot and a sneaker – very lightweight, comfortable and suited to fast movement. They also have a “hardened toe and heel” to give some additional protection – however this appears not to be a steel toecap – and I am not seeing any sign of an actual rating of crush protection, which proper “steelies” ought to have for worker safety. I would also be concerned about using these tactical boots as a general purpose “DIY work” boot because the soles seem thin and thus unlikely to resist a nail penetration from below. On the plus side, being light, they confer good mobility and have lower pack weight.

For a true “zombie apocalypse” boot that is somewhat a fashion item and a bit fun, but actually very rugged and well made, take a look at the Spanish-made New Rock range:

These are super heavy and you can’t run very fast in them, but they look intimidating, have extremely thick soles, are made with very tough leather, have steel kick plates front and rear and offer outstanding ankle protection. If you had to kick a door or window in to save someone, I think these would be well up to the task: I once used them to kick 2ft rebar stakes out of hard desert ground without a mallet (true story!) They might save you, too: Another true story – I once stepped on this rusty and extremely sharp screw point, which was sticking up about two inches out of a plank that was buried in long grass in an overgrown garden…

rusty screw
Still gives me the shivers. I’m so glad I took this photo, I knew I would tell this story one day.

I was wearing a pair of New Rock boots. The screw sank all the way in, probably going in over 1.5 inches, and left me with a plank attached to my boot! But due to the thickness of the sole, my foot was (amazingly) completely unharmed. What a save! Preparedness rules: Had I been wearing pretty much any other kind of footwear, it would have been a hospitalization injury.

You get it now. Get some good boots. Thank me later.

Final boot type for your kit: The rubber boot aka. “Wellington Boot”:

These are waterproof calf-length boots that will keep your feet dry in water up to about 8″ deep. Also good for walking across shallow mud, however in deep mud (over about 6″) they have the entertaining habit of being pulled off your foot by the mud and left behind!

Wellingtons are a household standard for wet weather among country folk in the UK. The “ultimate Wellingtons” are considered by many to be the Hunter brand (believe it or not these are an aristocratic fashion item in the UK!) however they are extremely expensive. These Dunlop rubber boots are much more reasonably priced and also feature a steel toecap which is a valuable addition. Anyone who’s had a horse step on their toes will nod in agreement!

Note that cheapie brands are prone to splitting and once a Wellington boot is split, it’s pretty much useless.

2. Eye Protection

A simple pair of wraparound polycarbonate safety glasses (per family member) is a valuable addition to a survival kit:

If you were caught in a situation where there is glass shattering or other fragments may be flying through the air, safety glasses could save your eyesight and more: Eye injuries are an absolute nightmare and make everything grind to a dreadful halt.

Basic safety glasses can help – a lot – with eye protect; but bear in mind that while valuable, they are not absolutely perfect. They do have a small gap around the outside of the lens. Once, working in my home workshop, I was cutting some sheet metal with a power tool. I was wearing safety glasses – similar to the ones pictured above – but a “perfect shot” from a hot flying fragment traveling at a critical angle went through the gap around the frame – and right into my eye! Fortunately I was able to see the metal fragment in the mirror and remove it from my eye with a damp q-tip (another survival kit essential). My eye was undamaged – but it could have been a very bad day. Now I use full safety goggles that fit the face with a foam seal – and cannot admit any flying particles:

The Bollé goggles I linked to would in my view make an excellent addition to a survival kit. Don’t risk your eyes; it only takes one fragment, one time…

3. Ear Protection

Both brief and ongoing loud sounds can cause hearing damage – both temporary and permanent – as is well known. Loud noise can also cause fatigue (“audio fatigue”) and even disorientation.

Earplugs: Everyone should hold a few packs or even a box of foam earplugs:

They are inexpensive, weigh almost nothing – and have great noise reduction (the ones I linked are rated at 33dB noise reduction rating, aka “NRR 33”). A few pairs can be popped into a small ziploc bag (if they are not already bagged in pairs) and taken with you for every day carry. In safe scenarios they can be used to drown out noises that are causing sleep disturbance or distraction: I have found, interestingly, that wearing earplugs when working, even if there are no dangerously loud sounds happening, seems to aid concentration and thought. Be advised that wearing earplugs is of course not advised in situations where you need to be able to hear what is going on: You might not for example hear someone walking up behind you, a warning shout or something falling.

Learn to fit earplugs well. Rolling them between finger and thumb to make them thin will greatly aid insertion. You have a few seconds to get the placement right before they start to expand and make movement more difficult, then the world goes quiet. Pushing them in ‘just the right amount’ is an art form too. Push them in too far and they become difficult to remove; not far enough and you won’t get a good seal / sufficient noise reduction.

Ear Defenders: The “next level up” of hearing protection is ear defenders of the standard “workshop or shooting range” type. 3M makes a well known ‘serious’ ear defender – the Peltor X5A:

This is rated at 31dB. I have these and absolutely love the amount of sound reduction they give, as well as their comfort – however they have a downside which is that they stick out like crazy. They not only make you look like Mickey Mouse but you have to remember you are wearing them, because otherwise you will bump against all sorts of things. I’ll bet this happens to you! But protection of that precious hearing more than outweighs these considerations for general use.

Fortunately, 3M also makes a Peltor Sport which is much less physically obtrusive and is evidently targeted at shooters, though many positive reviews from DIY power tool users indicate their value for various uses:

There are various other “cheapie” brands and I am skeptical of their honesty regarding the level of noise reduction.

Ear defenders can (when it’s safe to do so) be used in conjunction with earplugs for even greater noise reduction: If I am using a really loud power tool in my home workshop, for example an electric planer, I sometimes even “double up”; using both earplugs and ear defenders.

4. Respiratory Protection

I would place a good respirator right up at the top of the list of important SHTF items to own. Get a high quality one for each family member – and learn how to use them. For me there’s only one brand I would go with: 3M. They are the industry standard for a reason. I have three!

In many survival / disaster scenarios, dangerously toxic air pollution is part of the mix. Wildfire smoke, asbestos-laden dust from a building collapse, tear gas, dust storm, burning plastics, viruses and many other hazardous substances could be in the air. Some of these absolutely could kill you.

There’s also the possibility, thankfully uncommon at the present time, of poison gas attacks; and of course the “biologicals” that we have all had to deal with in the last couple of years.

Here’s a run-down of the different types of respirator, from cheap through to expensive:

Basic N95 Paper Face Masks: NIOSH approved, cheap; and I might get into trouble if I say too many bad things about them – but tbh I don’t rate these very highly at all. I have no agenda here. They offer some protection against particulates and of course the dreaded viruses – but they have some drawbacks: 1) They don’t offer any “gas phase” protection i.e. against solvents or other gaseous pollutants. 2) Disposable masks, especially those with a single, non-adjustable elastic strap, often don’t seal very well against the face, meaning that some of the air you are sucking in may go right around the edges of the mask. 3) There is also no good way to test the seal; unlike the 3M half face and full face respirators, which can easily be checked for a seal. A paper mask will get you into the grocery store and you might as well pack a few in your survival kit – but real survivalists know their limited value.

“Half Face” Respirator: Now we are into the realms of more serious respirators. A good industry standard half-face respirator that will provide excellent general purpose use is the 3M 6502QL:

Half face respirators are designed to cover the mouth and nose but not the eyes.

Learn about the various cartridges available, how to use them correctly, which substances they will remove from the air and for how long. For example the 3M 6003 cartridges protect against organic vapours (i.e. solvents) and acid gases such as sulphur dioxide:

So much for “gas phase purification”. The good news is that you can easily combine your choice of gas-phase cartridges with the particulate filters – using the simple clip-on filter retainers – for good all-round general protection:

Respirator cartridges have a limited life; you may see both a best before date and a total number of hours of use they are intended for. Make a note of the date they were put into service and “if in doubt, switch it out”.

Full Face Respirator: Now a “full face” respirator such as the 3M 6800 (or the updated 3M 6900) is a fantastic piece of survival gear:

It gives robust eye protection – the 6900’s face shield meets requirements of ANSI Z87.1-2010 for high impact (Z87+) – as well as high quality air filtration. This respirator can give very real and potentially livesaving protection in brutal circumstances.

One of the great benefits of a full face respirator is that it does the job of two items: Safety glasses and respirator. If you need to wear both a respirator and eye protection at the same time (quite common!) it gets a bit difficult: The safety goggles will not sit correctly over the top of the mask and end up perched ridiculously in the wrong position, prone to falling off and leaving a big gap under the eyes. They may also disturb the seal of the respirator. Because of the nuisance, people tend to skimp on one or the other, and this type of risk-taking can cause bad things to happen. The full face respirator solves this problem beautifully. (A face shield can also work as it doesn’t interfere with a mask.)

A further and highly significant benefit of a full face respirator is that it offers a more complete protection against biological contamination – because it completely protects the eyes, a very common route for infection into the body – either via micro-droplets or from manually rubbing the eyes.

Full Face With PAPR:For an “even more serious” full face respirator, check out the 3M 6900PF system:

This, according to the Amazon page, gives protection against lead, asbestos, radionucleides and radon daughters (when fitted with the 450-01-01 cartridge as illustrated). Despite their high cost these are flying off the shelves right now as you can imagine, with WW3 fears looming! I want one of these so badly.

This is the same 6900 face mask but with an added Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) active airflow system – the “PF” in the model number is short for “power flow”. It has a fan and a battery pack, pulling filtered air into the mask continuously and therefore not only making breathing more effortless but also reducing the risk of unfiltered air being pulled in through a breach of the face seal. I really like this unit a lot and survivalists will of course be highly motivated by the protection against radioactive particles, particles and biologicals.

The 3M 450-01-01 filter, designed to be used in conjunction with the 6900PF, is not only used in scenarios such as asbestos and mold remediation, but is evidently an equipment of choice for emergency use: One reviewer wrote “1 year in… kept me alive through C0V1D working in an ICU with the Powerflow PAPR”. This respirator is a serious item of real survival gear.

Pro Tip: Take a look at the user instructions for the 3M Powerflow system. You can learn much from such documents, not only about this respirator but about general correct use of respirators and strategies for dealing with contaminated areas in general. Learning how to use your equipment is a vital part of prepping! Good gear is very valuable, but you can’t just shop your way to survival. If you “just buy stuff”, pack it in a crate and wait for the worst to happen, you are not going to be truly ready when it does. Make sure also that you have printed copy of all relevant instructions with your survival kit.

Important Note: A respirator may be very helpful to help you endure or get out of a smoky / dusty / fumey situation; but will not give protection against carbon monoxide / carbon dioxide or other scenarios of oxygen shortage / extreme levels of fumes. This is why you see fire crews entering smoke filled buildings with full breathing apparatus that includes air / oxygen cylinders! It’s a sad truth that many people die going back into burning buildings to rescue their laptop / pet / whatever. Do not attempt to enter a burning building with a standard “cartridge respirator”, thinking that it will “stop everything”! It won’t! “Get out and stay out” is still the rule of thumb.

5. Protective Gloves

There are many different types of glove for different purposes. Let’s cover some of the ones that are going to be of use to the survivalist.

General work gloves: Pack at least one robust pair of gloves in your survival kit. They protect the hands while doing various kinds of rough work and also enable you to work faster / harder. Imagine a scenario where you have to move a pile of rubble and random debris – fast. Working with bare hands is going to be a nightmare. Work gloves of the modern type have a good balance of dexterity and protection – but bear in mind also that they are not invincible; sharp metal, large thorns and some other hazards may be too much for them.

Choose something which has added knuckle protection and palm padding; I’ve tried a mountain of different brands and really like the Mechanix M-Pact:

Leather Gauntlets: I’ve found that welding gloves made from thick leather are very useful for metalwork, as well as dealing with sharp thorns in the garden:

These would make a fine addition to a survival kit. They also have sleeving to protect the wrists and forearms, but note that these gloves are also very cumbersome and hinder dexterity, making fine work / detail tasks difficult.

Hardknuckle / Tactical / “Bouncer Gloves”: Tactical gloves such as these are often used by security guards, bikers and Law Enforcement:

They feature a very tough protective area over the knuckles that gives both impact / scrape protection and a +1 on strike force. Very handy in a scenario where the need for self-defense is a possibility, but I found these gloves less than ideal for ordinary “rough work use”: The velcro fastening secures them onto the hand extremely well, meaning they won’t get pulled off in a tussle, however for the kind of work that requires taking them off and putting them on frequently, the fastening system is laborious.
Some types of “bouncer gloves” have a kind of “sandbag” layer over the knuckles that adds weight and force to a punch as well as protection to the hand.

Disposable nitrile / latex / vinyl gloves are of course useful for food hygiene and for first aid kits. Here’s an inexpensive box of vinyl gloves that got good reviews:

Liquid / Chemical Gloves:A further super-useful protective glove for your kit is the long-sleeved waterproof glove:

This gives general ‘up to the shoulder’ protection against various liquids including chemicals and oils. This is a really handy item for general purpose use, for example faciliating manual clearing of a blocked drain without getting the nasty gunk all over you – or for any use where you don’t want to get splashed with whatever you are dealing with. I’m not sure if it is rated for concentrated acids so check accordingly.

6. Hard Hat / Safety Helmet

Depending on the circumstances you anticipate, a safety helmet can be an extremely valuable protective item:

Some worker-type hard hats also come with ear defenders or face shields “built in”. Tons of choices – take your pick, I’ve linked to one that is ANSI certified.

I’ve also found numerous “tactical helmets”, such as this one:

– although I would advise caution here. Please note – I searched Amazon but did not spot anything actually rated for ballistic protection in the search results. Maybe someone can help me out with a link to a real ballistic-rated tactical helmet.

7. Face Shield

A simple face shield is very valuable in numerous circumstances. I keep one in the workshop for situations where I need face protection. Here’s a highly rated but inexpensive face shield that is rated ANSI Z87 for protection against “work injuries from impact, non-ionizing radiation, and chemical exposure from machinery, welding, cutting, grinding, and other types of work that present potential hazards to the face”:

8. Full Body Protection / Ballistic / Body Armor

Military, Law Enforcement and Security personnel will pack a plate carrier:

This is a (typically sleeveless) vest that permits the insertion of ballistic plates – both front and rear:

Ballistic plates are kevlar plates that give the vital organs valuable protection against bullets, sharp objects, flying fragments and other projectiles. Understand the different ratings for ballistic plates and the kind of rounds they give protection against: The ballistic plate I linked to is NIJ Standard-0101.06: NIJ IIIA, which is reported to give protection against standard AK-47, type 56 rifles and 54 pistols. This plate is very well reviewed, with positive comments evidently written by personnel who have used them in the line of duty.

Some “tactical backpacks” also have a pocket that is sized for a ballistic plate, which adds an interesting protective dimension to a bug-out bag or EDC pack!

Beyond this, there are various kinds of body armour available and you could even improvise your own if you are of the creative or low-tech persuasion: Exploring on Amazon, you can even buy a Complete Chainmail Kit! This sounds like a fun project for getting in touch with your ‘inner Viking’; but unless you are in a medival warband, a more useful item for a survivalist might be a motocross protective body armour jacket such as this one, which looks suitably post-apocalyptic as well as giving protection against falls and other impacts:

Very useful when you are going at full tilt to outrun zombies on your dirt bike 🙂 – as well as for various other circumstances.

Leather Jacket: Bikers of course know a thing or two about bodily protection – and we can learn from this; a strong leather jacket is another valuable item in rough times, or at any time really; the classic black leather jacket is one of the few garments that looks cool in any decade – as well as not sticking out as being too far “out of the ordinary”.

Let’s not forget waterproofs. A simple set of breathable waterproof pants and hooded waterproof jacket will keep you dry when everything is soaked.

Finally on full-body protection – some coveralls for dirty work. Here’s a highly rated simple coverall aka. “boiler suit”. A simple, inexpensive disposable coverall is a further useful item to give general protection against various kinds of filth.

9. Hi-Vis Clothing

High visibility clothing is another survival essential. A simple, very inexpensive luminous yellow sleeveless vest is a useful item that weighs almost nothing and can be worn over the top of either warm or cold weather clothing:

Pack one or more in your car – because if you break down in darkness and have to walk along a road in low visibility conditions, it could save your life!

Stepping it up a notch, there is the hi-vis waterproof coat of the type worn by emergency services, road construction crews and other outdoor workers:

Carhartt is a well known high quality brand and this one got rave reviews. These high quality jackets typically have reflective strips in addition to luminescent yellow fabric, providing optimal visibility in scenarios where being seen by operators of large machinery or fast moving vehicles is mission critical.

A further benefit of hi-vis clothing in a survival kit is that if you were in a situation where a search and rescue team was looking for you, they would more easily be able to spot you.

On the flipside, there are also scenarios of course that call for low visibility. I’m still waiting for clothing to hit the market… in the meantime, camo up.

10. Safety Harness

If you are climbing, then a proper safety harness is an essential:

Please note that a climbing harness is a specialized item of equipment that requires training to use correctly. I’ll leave those instructions to professional climbers who have far greater expertise than me, but I will say one thing: Don’t be tempted to buy cheapie brands on Amazon when it comes to climbing equipment. Get a well known and respected brand such as Black Diamond or Petzl and be sure that the equipment is certified / rated for your intended use.

Maintenance Of PPE:

PPE should be kept clean, dry and in good condition. A crate with a well-fitting lid, dedicated to the purpose (and clearly marked PPE) is a good idea. Make sure that everyone in your group knows where the PPE is and has some basic training. Check over your protective gear regularly, learn everything you can about its correct use and its use limitations, practice using it and be sure to replace worn or heavily used items. Carry some spare parts; for example respirator cartridges, and be sure to order the correct, matching components. 3M for example offer spare parts for all their gear and these have a code number, which should be listed in the equipment instructions.

Final Note: Get into the habit of using your safety gear every time – even for brief circumstances that require it. It’s the same mentality as wearing a seatbelt even when you are only driving a few miles: Don’t get lazy – and “train yourself” to always don your protective equipment when needed. It’s worth the effort!

ps. As mentioned, “survivalist use” of PPE is likely to be considered “off-label use” and may not be covered by equipment warranties etc.

The post Top 10 Most Important PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Items For Survivalists / PPE For SHTF appeared first on Off-Grid.

This content was originally published here.