In every major disaster, in most of recorded history, and all of prehistory, rats, mice, and insects may have been the number one most common cause of death.

You must be adequately prepared for them. They can very easily become the major problem that kills you, your family, neighbors, or your group.

Guest post -by Papa Smurf

– What am I talking about? Just rats, mice and insects.

These pests can destroy far more food than they can eat.

They can harbor a number of diseases that can easily result in your death in a survival situation.

In a SHTF situation, what do you do about it?

Well, Be Prepared is one answer.
Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome is another.

Keep A Clean Environment

Just basic cleanliness. This may not be as easy as you think. You could be living in a dirty environment. You could be living in the ruins of your current home. You just don’t know.

So, a couple of brooms and dustpans. You likely have these now. But you might need to have a few more. Do you think you will be able to use your vacuum? Will there be electricity? Probably not. We’re talking about SHTF collapse conditions.

Trash. Food cans will need to be burned out and buried. Or washed and used for repair materials or any number of things. You can’t just toss them without thinking. Same for other ‘disposable’ food and water/drink packaging. How about an adequate supply of matches and dish soap?

In my garage, I have a sealed five-gallon plastic bucket of matches. Can I start fire other ways? At least a half-dozen. Can everyone who lives in the house now or in the future? Hmmm…

Mouse traps

How about mouse traps. Will a dozen be enough? The plain “Victor” snap traps work as well as any I have used. A small amount of peanut butter makes a good bait. So do candy gumdrops.

[Ken adds: I’ve been using these reusable traps for years! ]

You may want a couple of live traps as well.
“Mice Cubes” are very good (see them here).

Rat traps

They are another consideration. You may need a dozen for vermin control.

A rat trap, though, is one of the best means of providing survival protein going. It is capable of catching and killing everything from birds to rattlesnakes.

Bug spray. At least one dozen large cans. The kind you can put on skin. You might consider doubling that if finances allow.

[Ken adds: This is my new favorite type of insect repellent (with Picardin) ]

Repellent on your Clothes

You will also want the kind you can put on clothes and let dry. This will typically last for as many as half a dozen washings.

You will be spending a lot more time outdoors, and the bug populations can be expected to soar.

Bug Foggers

You will need enough of the room fogging type insecticide to bomb your home at least three times. When you use it, use the old stuff and replace it. That should get you through at least one year.

You and your group will be going in and out of doors pretty regularly, and insect populations are going to be up if prior disasters are any indication.

Fly swatters, about 6. And keep another dozen cans of room/yard spray.

Wasp & Hornets

Keep at least 4 cans of wasp spray.
You don’t want to deal with them without the stuff.

Insect Repellent for Pets

Don’t forget any animals you may have. Have enough on hand to get them through a year, especially those that may share your home or bed. The ‘one-drop’ treatments work better than collars or powders, but have something available.

I hope I have given you something to think about; maybe a new direction for things you need to prep for.

-Papa S.

[Ken adds: I’ve republished this article with updated information since it’s original 2017 posting, for your interest.]

This content was originally published here.

There is nothing all too fun about envisioning a legitimate SHTF scenario. There is a great deal to take into account, and the decisions that must be made are of the utmost importance. That said, one of the most important decisions that must be made is how you choose to interact with others around your vicinity in a worst-case scenario. People come in all different shapes, sizes and personalities. While a solid teammate is an invaluable resource, the wrong kind of person in your world can cost you everything. But how do you identify who could prove to be a liability in an unforeseen future? What telltale personality traits are toxic enough to poison a solid team? Believe it or not, there are a few red-flag signs you can learn to spot right off the bat. Here are three.

Wannabe Warfighters

The old quote from General Sherman that reads “war is hell,” is truth. Warfare, combat, and the taking of life is nothing to be to be eager for. Yet, for whatever reason, there seems to be a portion of the population that romanticizes war. These are the kind of folks who often lead rather unfulfilled lives and look at a TEOTWAWKI or WWOROL as some sort of glorious be-all and end-all for their SHTF-antasy. Whether it’s because they have never truly been tested, or because they watch too many episodes of The Walking Dead, these folks can’t wait to get their war on. Consequently, they are not who you want on your team when SHTF because they are essentially loose cannons. Sure, they may have their kit squared away, and they certainly are the prepared type, however their intentions are not solely about survival. They are looking to prove something, and a true worst-case scenario is no time to be working through those kinds of issues. Be on the lookout for these wannabe warfighters, and steer clear of them.

Tactical Braggarts

You know that guy who is always talking about the new gear he has, the new tactics he learned, the amount of food he has stashed away or actually talks to you about where his survival caches are? This guy is a screaming liability. Bragging about how prepared you are does two things, firstly it makes you seem far too self-assured, and secondly it makes you an easy target for anyone actually listening. While some tactical braggarts are totally full of hot-air, the ones who actually do have their stuff squared away and are reckless enough to talk about it to anyone, all the time, are reckless. Tactical braggarts do not value their own safety and security, and they will not value you and yours.


While those of us in the prepping and survival world pride ourselves on being self-reliant, the majority of folks out there do not. Most people are consumers, partly through no fault of their own and partly by choice. But the fact remains that consumers take up resources and do not usually have many skillsets. While they may have a specialized skillset, chances are that it may not be applicable in a SHTF scenario. While there is nothing wrong with helping those in need, from time to time, and while there is certainly nothing wrong with sharing resources when it is reasonable, toxic consumers are takers. Not only will they slow you down, they will deplete resources without giving back, and likely make you feel bad should you elect to stop helping them out.

This content was originally published here.

The AK family of weapons is reliable and rugged.

It was designed to be operated by illiterate teenage conscripts with little to no training. It was never intended to protect a family after a natural disaster and is ill suited to that purpose. If the answer comes down to supportability and simplicity, you need a shotgun.

Everybody has their own ideas about guns, that is part of their charm. There are near-infinite combinations of precision, wounding potential, and magazine capacity. There is much opinion on this. I will give you mine. You are welcome to violently disagree; it is your God-given right.

I have been to some bad places around the world and have seen bad things happen. When I lived on the Gulf Coast, I went through the aftermath of several major hurricanes. I now live in a rural area and maintain a wide selection of weapons. When I hear a noise in the night, I grab the shotgun.

The AK was designed for wartime production. The elimination of a bolt hold-open feature saved three parts. In Soviet Russia, magazines are scarce and valuable, so you are driven to hold the magazine to work the flapper magazine release. This is meant to make you hold on to magazines rather than let them drop free, since it’ll be in your hand before you insert the next magazine. The sights require a tool to adjust. This keeps recruits from messing up the fine zero the factory armorers put on it.

Semiautomatic rifles have their place. In the proper hands, with quality ammo and parts, they can shoot a lot of rounds a long way. There is also a place for bolt guns, but the relatively slow rate of fire demands that they be employed with some stand-off. At distance, even a Lee-Enfield or Mosin-Nagant could be effective.

My vote for home protection? The all-American choice is the Remington 870. The pump shotgun is incredibly simple. The controls? A safety button and a pump. Work the pump and shoot. Got a jam? Work the pump and shoot. Repeat as necessary and reload.

It is funny the way people take to a certain gun. My God-father used the Remington 870 in Vietnam. He told me to buy one. The 870 always felt right to me. I am not knocking the Mossberg or other pumps, but I like the 870. If my God-father had been issued a Mossberg, I would probably have one.

The 870 has great ergonomics and a Magpul stock makes them even better. The shotgun itself has a modern, modular design with many aftermarket upgrades available. I recommend a flashlight and Tritium sights for home-defense use.

Without a magazine or available ammo, the AK is a pretty ineffective club. If you are planning on serious use, you’d better have extra magazines and more ammo than you think you need.

Pump shotguns are dead-simple and rugged. There is no magazine to lose, and with minimal care, your grand-kids will still be able to use it. They should be cleaned and lubricated every 10,000 rounds or so, but even that is not necessary.

The AK doesn’t fail often, but it can fail. I have broken trigger springs and had ruptured cartridges that required a special tool to clear. The parts are not designed to be replaced or interchangeable. Ever changed the barrel in an AK? The Russians would laugh at you. They never figured any Russian soldier would survive long enough to shoot out a barrel.

In spite of loose tolerances, every country that made an AK added a little flair. I have seen guns where parts were hand-fitted with files to go together. Better to have a spare gun than spare parts.

The AK has a rough trigger and poor sights. If it ever gets dark where you live, you might consider how hard it is to see those sights at night.

The AK comes in two main calibers: 7.62×39mm and 5.45×39mm. If you are serious about using an AK for SHTF in America, there are some variants around that shoot .223; this would be very handy.

Shotguns can use an astounding variety of readily available ammo. Even during the great ammo famine I could still find 12 gauge.

Because of its caliber, the 12 gauge shotgun is considered a Destructive Device by federal law. There is a specific exemption for “sporting purposes” which permits this powerful weapon to be sold without a tax stamp. The famous 12 gauge “Street Sweeper” was removed from the exemption and declared a Destructive Device after the fact by ATF.

A typical OO Buckshot 12-gauge buckshot round has nine 30-caliber pellets and will keep a man-sized pattern out to 25 yards. The creation of multiple wound channels is devastating. Even birdshot hits like a slug at room distances. A 1-ounce slug will reach out accurately at 100 yards if you know what you are doing. Think about how far you can see from your yard. Science demands the insertion of a ballistic gelatin video here.

Not surprisingly, Buckshot was so named for killing deer. My favorite is the Remington Reduced Recoil 8-pellet. They eliminated one of the pellets and did some kind of vodoo with seemingly defies Newtonian Physics by maintaining good penetration and patterns good while producing much less recoil.

A shotgun with an 18-inch Cylinder Bore or Improved Cylinder barrels will fire buck shot in a cone shaped pattern which spreads from the barrel of the gun at a rate of about one inch for each yard traveled. Knowing your pattern and using loads with tight shot patterns keep all the rounds in the target and out of your neighbors and family.

Shotgun buckshot and slugs will go through eight or ten layers of sheet rock in walls, so you can’t just spray it around. If shot up in the air it will fall out of the sky in a few hundred yards.

FUN HISTORY FACT: The Imperial German Army in WW1 knew a few things about effective weapons. They had deployed flame throwers, poison gas, machine guns and high explosives. In 1918, the German’s ran into Americans carrying the Model 97 Trench Guns (a 12 gauge pump shotgun) shooting 00 buckshot. They filed a diplomatic complaint that the shotgun was cruel and illegal because the 1907 Hague Convention said “it is especially forbidden to employ arms, projections, or materials calculated to cause unnecessary suffering”. When the Americans laughed at this, the German Army threatened to execute soldiers caught with shotguns. Challenge accepted! American General Pershing replied that Germans caught with flamethrowers or saw-bladed bayonets would be shot.

Pump shotguns are reliable and fast, but hold relatively few rounds and are slow to reload once empty. My 870 holds nine rounds. If there are more than nine people I need to kill all at once, I will call a friend with a shotgun and/or transition to a handgun as I run away.

United States former Vice President Joe Biden is a big shotgun fan. He has recommended shotguns as the best choice for home defense. As he famously said “You don’t need an AR, you don’t need thirty rounds to protect yourself. Buy a shotgun. Buy a shotgun. If you want to protect yourself, get a double barreled shotgun.”

I would give almost the same advice, “Jill, if there’s ever a man who is trying to rape and kill you and the kids, just walk out on the balcony here…and fire two blasts into his chest. Then reload and call the neighbors for help.”

Whether you are trained on the AK or you just have a lot in common with an illiterate teenage conscript, you may want to consider a shotgun for around the house. They are legal in all 50 states, will run under filthy conditions, and tolerate inexcusable abuse. High-quality shotguns and 12-gauge ammo are cheap and plentiful; after a disaster, availability may vary. Buy a couple of them and make some friends.

(Featured image courtesy of

by Mark Miller
Mark Miller is a Green Beret who served in Afghanistan and a number of other live fire locations. He’s a poet-warrior in the classic sense, a casual hero and a student of science.

Check out these Cool Gun Safes Click HERE to Check it out.

August 26th, 2019 by

This content was originally published here.

It’s likely that during (and after) a SHTF scenario, the physical demand on the human body will drastically increase.  Our bodies would suddenly become responsible for filling the productivity gap left from the wake of downed mechanical systems that significantly reduces our workload in providing for our every little need, with little effort.

Life has become so easy most of us pay little notice the highly productive and efficient grid network built up around us and is working around the clock.

We are all guilty of doing less physical work in the modern era than our ancestors, to the point that sedentary lifestyles are not only becoming the norm, but are on the rise and have been classified as modern day health epidemic.   If many people were abruptly forced with no choice into a mode of high physical stress for survival reasons,  many may not survive simply because their bodies are not accustomed to the level of physical demands required in a hypothetical emergency survival situations.

Not to sound overly nostalgic, but before computers, technology, and large-scale networked mechanical processes (AKA, the grid) was put into place,  we had no choice but to work directly in and with the natural elements.

Rudimentary processes were used to procure food, water and shelter.  Swinging and axe, pulling a cart, hauling buckets of water, travelling long distances, even running from or fighting off an occasional predator or rival group were the norm.

It’s undeniable that our bodies have evolved to not only to move, but move in many different and highly dynamic (non-static) ways.   Research has shown that hunters and gatherers would walk long distances and engage in short intense bursts of vigorous activity with rest in between, which resulted in burning 800 to 1200 calories per day.   In other words, the human genome was shaped by the process of natural selection to be highly active generalists in nature rather than marathon runners, heavy lifters or climbers.

Whether forced into the wilderness or urban survival situations, physical fitness and mobility should not be overlooked or underestimated by prudent preppers.  No quantity or quality of gear, food stuffs, off grid energy, or EDC items can make up for a lack of physical ability (in the form of mobility, strength and agility) when an emergency situation demands it, especially if bugging in is not an option on one must get one the move.

When no choice remains but to leave it all behind and bug out is when situations could become extremely physically taxing which not only put you at risk but also friends and family who may be relying on you for your survival skills and physical preparedness.

The focus of this post is not to dwell on today’s sedentary health epidemic, or reminisce how hunters and gathers were maximizing the utility of their human design.  Our intention is to lay out a plan that will enable individuals of nearly all levels of physical fitness to increase mobility and strength by moving in healthier ways more reminiscent of our ancestors.

As someone who went from being a deathly ill child with Crohn’s disease to practicing and instructing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes for the last decade, regularly doing outdoor fitness challenges and swinging kettlebells, I have full confidence anyone can do it if approached carefully.  Credit is also due to my brother who is a veteran certified manual therapist and kettlebell trainer for consulting with me writing this post.

In this post, we will cover prepper fitness for all levels, from beginners to intermediate and advanced.  Please skip to the section using the index at the top that is appropriate for your level of fitness.  Here goes:

Beginner Prepper Fitness for SHTF Survival

This beginner series is for individuals who have remained sedentary for the past 12 or more months with little or no “real” physical exertion.

For example, if you are easily winded when going up a couple flights of stairs when the elevator is down, or when required to walk longer distance, walk uphill, and/or are considered obese, these beginner exercises are a great place to start.

Please note that results results from one individual to the next can vary greatly, so don’t get frustrated if you don’t see any progress for some time.  Make these exercises a daily part of your routine, and before you know it you we be stronger, fitter, more mobile, and all of that good stuff!

Assisted or Solo Deep Body Weight Squats

This movement is excellent for building strength in the quads and gluts while increasing hip mobility. The hips are the foundation of most physical movement in the human body and are essential to movements as simple as walking and getting off the ground.   A deep squat also serves a great seated position when if no chairs or stump, etc,  is available.


Hold on to something such as a post at hip height, if needed.  With your legs spread at a distance that feels natural, slowly sit into squat by engaging the quad muscles and gluts.  Be sure while sitting to drive your heels into the ground and your knees away from each other.  Your feet should remain planted flat on the ground, and your butt should come to a resting position as as close to your heels as your comfort allows.  If this position if uncomfortable or you are unable to maintain your balance, do not force it!  Slowly stand back out of the squat and continue repeat the process until it becomes easier and more comfortable.

  • Remain in the squat position for 30 seconds on and off to gain mobility and reduce pain.
  • Once the squat position is comfortable, work up to 5-10 squat reps, then adding two to three total sets with similar reps.

Assisted or Solo Hanging

Being able to hang from a bar, tree branch, or even a ledge is important for survival climbing and general pulling movements like winding in a rope, dragging logs, etc .  If you suffer from  lack of overhead reach mobility, wrist or grip problems, simply hanging and letting gravity do the work is an excellent rehabilitation and strength building exercise.


To be clear, this is exercises is not a pull up, it’s simply hanging and letting gravity lengthen and decompress your spinal column and allowing your shoulders and arms to stretch.  You can hang from anything that provides adequate grip surface such as a pull up bar, tree branch, or a ledge of a wall.  If your grip constantly slips and you are unable to hang at all, place something under your feet and ease in to a full hang by bending your knees to add or reduce the weight load on your grip.

    • If needed, use support under your feet and build up to hanging for 10-20 seconds with no support.
    • Once able to hang for 20 seconds with both arms, remove the support from your feet and ad two to four reps of 20 seconds.

Plank Hold

A plank hold is one of the best exercises for core strength and stability and it helps posture, improves balance, and strengthens hamstrings, gluts and the shoulder girdle.  While hip mobility is like an axle being able to freely turn, core strength is the engine that gives it power.

Strength in other areas of your body, such as leg strength or back strength are often undermined if core strength is not adequate to back them up during more sophisticated and integrated movements such as climbing, pulling, or grappling.   Therefore, nearly any movement relies on core strength making it a top priority for preppers in survival situations.


Place your forearms on the floor below the shoulders with your elbows and wrists in line with your torso.   Use your toes to brace your weight with your forearms and use your core abdominal, thigh, and glut muscles to raise your hips to be alighted with your shoulders and legs.  Keep your chin tucked while holding this position.

  • Move into the plank hold and maintain it for 10-20 seconds
  • Add two to three reps of 20 second holds.
  • Build up to being able to hold the plank position for one minute or more.

Soft-Surface Medium Distance Slow Jogging

The aim of slow jogging is to build a foundation for cardiovascular and respiratory fitness without keeling over before building to more moderate to intensive cardio exercise.  Look to run on a soft surface with some minor terrain variance such as a cut grass field or easy running trails.

A soft surface will allow your muscular-skeletal system to slowly adapt to the light impact of jogging, by adding bone density and building muscle, fortifying joints, tendons, and ligaments.  Jogging or running on varied terrain has shown to awaken the neuromuscular system by forcing it to make constant adjustments to adapt to the surface variations.  Furthermore, it has shown to minimize risk of injury from over-repetitive movement which leads to imbalance from smaller muscles growing weak.


Find a soft yet slightly varied running surface such as a grassy field or mowed pasture.  Start with jogging for two to five minutes and stop when you experience discomfort in your lungs and chest (cardiovascular system), or on joints and muscles (soft tissues). At this point your body as reached a level of stress that your body can respond, adapt and build strength from. Build on that until you can jog at a slow, relaxed pace for about 15 minutes without stopping.  This will allow you to cover about a one to 1.5 mile distance.

I hope these exercises benefit some of you who have struggled to get a solid start with fitness.  Please feel free to message me or leave comments with any questions.  Stay tuned for our next posts that will be geared towards intermediate and advanced survival fitness with extra fun and dynamic exercises for preppers.

Welcome to part two of fitness exercises for SHTF wilderness and urban survival.  If the exercises in part one are too easy, or you have mastered them and are looking for an added challenge, these part two intermediate level exercises may be a good fit for you.

Intermediate Prepper Fitness for SHTF Survival

The theme from the first beginner section continues in this section by gradually building functional and integrated strength throughout the body.  Our goal is to start slow and build a strong foundation of core strength while avoiding strength imbalances from overdeveloping certain muscle groups while ignoring others.  We are also looking to avoid movement repetition and impact, all in order to avoid injury.

Kettlebell squats:   

As with nearly all kettlebell exercises, a major benefit of the kettlebell front squat is building core strength and stability.  By positioning a kettlebell high on your chest while doing a squat, your body is forced to maintain a position many of us no longer frequent in our daily lives, which in turn builds muscle stability.  On the contrary, barbell squat or body weight squats primarily focus on engaging the lower body rather than lower, core and upper body while integrating all three regions.

If you are going to work with weights, kettlebells are the better alternative for functional strength because they integrate  and strengthen all muscle groups.  Integrative strength is important for survivalists and preppers because it will be the type of strength required during survival and emergency situations.


Place feet a little wider than shoulder width, with your toes pointed out slightly.  Pick up the kettlebell by sitting down into a squat position and grabbing the bell by the “horns”.  with your elbows in.  When you go down, breathe in through your nose and exhale on your way up.  To keep you back in proper alignment, look up slightly when you do the squat.   When you reach the bottom of the squat make sure you don’t bounce, and keep your knees behind your toes while digging both feet forcefully into the ground.  Create tension and snap your hips when you reach to top.

  • Pick a suitable kettle bell weight that will allow you to complete two sets of 10 reps. At the end of the 10 reps, you should be about 60-70% to failure.
  • As you progress, increase weight in 5 lb increments and complete the same set and rep quantities.

Pull ups and Chin ups: 

The two most common grips are the underhand and the overhand grips.  The easiest grip to start with is the underhand grip, or (the chin-up) because due to the elbow position, it optimizes the most efficient use of  bicep and peck activation which in turn develops more strength in your pull up.   A pull-up, by contrast, using the overhand grip, primarily activates the lower trapezius more than a chin-up, but both are great exercises to strengthen the back.


A shoulder width grip using either the underhand or overhand grips is recommended because it reduces the strain on your shoulders and lowers risk of injury, and there is not a big difference in muscle activation between the two.

It’s also recommended to hold your back, pelvis, and legs in as straight and aligned as possible (rather than arching your lower back, bending your legs, and thrusting your pelvis forward).  Try to images having a rigid metal rod running through the entire vertical length of your body, from the top of your head to your feet.  While this position is more difficult, it offers the advantage of building strength in the anterior muscle chain and core.

  • If you are unable to do a full unassisted pull-up, do three sets of five reps of either body rows, or resistance-band assisted pull-ups. Adjust the difficulty as you progress by changing the angle of the body rows, or using a weaker resistance band.
  • If you can complete one to four or more unassisted pull-ups, do your max reps, followed by the same rep quantity of negative pull-ups. Rest, then repeat this process two more times for a total of three sets (again, three to failure, each followed by equal negative reps).

Soft, Varied Terrain Interval Running

Interval training is a higher intensity level of running where you sprint at medium to maximum pace while walking or slow jogging in between, for a total of around 20 minutes.  Research has shown that interval running  will speed up metabolism much faster than regular running.

Furthermore, due to the rapid and successive twisting motion of your torso with your elbow pulling one way and your knee pushing the other, interval running is excellent for the core while also activating  fast twitch muscle fibers.

As mentioned in the beginner fitness article, running on soft, slightly varied terrain is great for adapting the body to diverse movements in order to rehabilitate and condition all muscle groups, big and small while building strength throughout your physiology.


We recommend looking for trails with softer surfaces such as dirt, grass, or loose gravel rather than concrete that has someeasy 10-20 degree inclines and declines for added variance.  Do a light jogging warm-up and stretching routine to reduce risk of injury.

  • Start by running at a medium pace, then after roughly two minutes transition to about 30 seconds of 70% of your max speed.
  • Complete three more cycles, but each time increase the max speed by 10%, so by the fourth cycle you are maxing out at 100%
  • As you progress and notice your endurance and power increasing from your initial interval workouts, introduce running up inclines for your last one to two cycles in the workout.


Knowing how to do burbees is an powerful skill in fitness because they offer full body workout you can take with you anywhere you go!  All you need is your body and the knowledge of how to do them which you will see here.  You can use burpees as a warm up exercise, or a core exercise in your workout.  They are amazing for conditioning and building functional, integrated strength that starts with the core.


Start in squat position with the weight in the heels and remaining flexible in the toes.  Then do a squat thrust while kicking the legs back so you are in a push up plank position.  From this position to a pushup and transition immediately into a frog jump and then a jump squat to complete the burpee movement.

Throughout the process of these movements, it’s important for your limbs to absorb any contact with the floor like a shock absorber rather than being rigid and stiff.  This will reduce harmful impact on your body and activate your muscle groups more effectively.

  • Start slow and warm up with 10 slow burpees, mainly focusing on correct form without the squat jump.
  • As your form improves and you get warmed up, increase the speed and add up to three sets of ten reps each.

Advanced Prepper Fitness Exercises for SHTF Survival

It is natural to worry about any human-made or natural SHTF, but it is better to be prepared, both mentally and physically. I have taken you through beginner and intermediate exercises, and I will now detail the exercises included in the advanced section.

In this section we will look at fitness routines, that again, emphasize gradually building integrated and balanced core strength as the foundation.  These exercises will take your mind and body to the next level to be capable of handling more extreme demands, such as those you might encounter in a SHTF survival scenario.  If done right, these challenges will boost your strength and tolerance. The key is to prevent the strength imbalances that come with focusing too much on particular muscle groups while others are left underdeveloped.

Upon moving into the advanced arena of advanced prepper fitness, I will introduce additional kettlebell exercises.  I will also recommend the most proven martial art practices, along with (oh yay!) more running.

You can combine with any combination of  exercises I introduced in the beginner and intermediate fitness section.

Kettlebell Swings:

The kettlebell swing is a total-body strength exercise that will have you burning tons of calories. The kettlebell is typically swung starting from between the knees to fully overhead or at eye-level. To start, make a powerful hip thrust with your hamstring muscles and glutes.

These muscles are part of your “power zone” and the swings will boost your muscular power. Using the kettlebell will also improve your muscular endurance. Kettlebell swings target a combination of essential muscles, including quadriceps, arms, glutes, lower back, and hamstrings. The exercises are also recommended for increased aerobic and anaerobic capacities.


Start by doing a standing plank, where your abs are tight, and your head is aligned with the spine. The other position you will be doing is a hip-hinge position. Your knees should be soft and not bent and should not be in a squat. To engage your core, keep your arms long and squeeze your shoulder blade together.

Grasp the kettlebell to start and pull it back your legs to generate momentum. Drive through the heels, and explode through hips to send the weight swinging upwards. You should not squat too much, and you can use an item like a foam roller to gauge if you are doing deep squats.
As the kettlebell starts to descend, allow the weight to do all the work as you prepare yourself for another rep. Shift weight into heels while maintaining hinged hips and load your glutes and hamstrings.

Ensure you do not bend too much. Doing a squat makes the exercise an up and down movement instead of an explosive thrust. There is also the possibility of swinging too low. The bell should actually tap you in the butt if it is perfect.

Turkish Get-Ups

The Turkish get-up is a historical exercise, believed to have been invented by traditional wrestlers in Turkey as preparation for grueling matches. It is not a single movement since you will be performing multiple motions harmoniously. Holding a weight during exercise will challenge your core since it needs to keep your torso upright as you lunge, bend, and twist. The getups also increase your coordination, body stability, balance, and awareness. The movements also facilitate cross lateralization, that is, the right side of the brain works with the left one.


The first step is to raise the bell with the right hand. Maintain a 45-degree angle with the left arm and match it with the left leg. Steadily lift the bell straight up and lock out the right elbow. Your eyes should be fixed on the bell throughout the exercise.

Press the right foot firmly on the floor, and roll up onto the left elbow with the bell held up high. You will form a partial-sit up with your elbow as support and on your left butt cheek. Continue rolling up till you support your weight on the left hand. Your right foot, left hand, and left butt cheek will be the bases of support.

Squeeze your glutes, after which you will lift your hips from the ground while keeping your arm extended vertically. Your left hand and the right foot will be the only bases of support since your hips are off the ground. Sweep the left leg under your body to a point where your knee is situated on the ground beneath you. Your legs will be about 90 degrees from each other.

Take your left hand from the floor and bring your body to an upright position. “Windshield wiper” the leg on the floor until the legs lie parallel in a lunge position. Stand up from the lunge with the bell overhead, and your core tightened. Step back into the lunge and place the left leg perpendicular to the right. Sweep the left leg forward and slowly drop your butt to the floor. Lower your torso down onto your back and shoulders. Lower the bell to your stomach. Do more reps to build your stamina.

Overhead Snatch

The kettlebell snatch is among the most effective power exercises that engage the full body. It works the hamstrings, shoulders, back, and quads. The speed of the snatch and the muscles that are involved burn a substantial amount of calories. It is a strength exercise that challenges and strengthens muscles. Because it is done explosively and quickly, the snatch additionally challenges a person’s aerobic system. Your mobility and stability will also receive a boost from engaging in the movement.


Basically, the snatch adheres to some principles of the kettlebell swing, but it allows the weight to come straight out at the top. The kettlebell should be kept close to your body with the snatch. With the snatch, it will be imperative to learn how to tame the arc. As you pull the bell up from between your knees, do it with a bit of a shrug.

Your hand should move around the bell and punch through and not the bell moving around you. The bell should rest against the back of your arm once it is overhead. A snatch should be perfumed in one smooth motion. Reverse the movement when you are ready to lower the kettlebell.

To master the snatch, you will need to develop a sound swing. The swing represents the primary action in the exercise, and you will need to grasp it for your snatch to be solid. You can do this by practicing through numerous one-arm swings.

Many people are understandably hesitant to throw a heavy weight overhead. To counter this fear, you can spend some time on pressing and getups. They build shoulder stability as well as help you assume the correct arm, hand, and wrist posture at lockout.

Relax your grip, so you do not end up with a torn hand. The kettlebell rotates continuously during the lift, so do not handle it like a dumbbell.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) has exploded in growth in the US, and for plenty of good reasons.  Ever since Hoyce Gracie graced the octagon at UFC 1 in November 1993, he proved to the world the effectiveness of BJJ.  It has since gained substantial respect of nearly all MMA fighters, where it should be noted that in the UFC submissions made up nearly 18% of fight wins in 2018.

Integrated Core Strength

Ok, so BJJ has been effective in MMA but what does that have to do with prepping, fitness and your life?  First, I can say from first hand experience that BJJ is one of the most physically demanding activities you can partake in, and as a result, can build incredibly integrated and practical physical strength originating from the core.

The reason why is BJJ warm ups, drills, and sparring (rolling), targets muscle groups in dynamic and nuanced ways.  It’s akin to a swimmer pushing against swirling, churning water, except with BJJ the water and swirling is backed by human intelligence and is replaced by appendages.  And the human mind behind each set of appendages (different opponents) and the appendages themselves are highly varied in strength, skill, and movement patterns.

Where does the leverage originate from in building the strength behind BJJ? You guessed it, your core, or more precisely, the hips.  After taking a few BJJ classes, you will begin to see the pattern emerge that many techniques and various movement patterns in BJJ relate to, and rely on positioning the hips for success.

Chess using your Body & Mental Acuity

This leads me to the second benefit of BJJ.  Since it’s like a chess match in that there are an infinite array of physical movements, or techniques as we say, that you can impose on your opponent and that your opponent must counter, BJJ is excellent for building mental acuity.  I’ve hear it referred to as chess for your mind and body.

As a result, Not only does BJJ integrate your physical strength, it integrates and forges a greater connection between the synapses in your brain that connect to your muscles.

Mental Health & Remaining Calm Under Pressure

One thing lacking in modern culture is comradery, community, and a sense of belonging.  To often we see ourselves has being separate from everything, when in reality humanity is more intricately connected than what I believe even science can prove today. We evolved in clans with complex social dynamics and hierarchies wove the fabric of cooperation and therefore, survival.  We dealt with things together, not head on alone.

I believe another reason BJJ is successful and there are thriving academies everywhere is due in part to a culture that craves connection and longing for belonging.  BJJ helps fill this missing link in our ancestral chain.  It helps ease mental suffering, depression, and the sense of dark lonely isolation that our cell phones, TV, and other material possessions can never replace.  In their place rushes in clam and peace.

This is why BJJ in particular is great for prepper fitness.  The three benefits mentioned are essential to SHTF survival. In fact, you could argue that the core elements of survival are mental and physical strength, acuity, and being able to handle emergency situations with calm and cool.

Last Line of Self Defense

While there are dozens of leveraging tools, techniques, and skills for self defense, it is argued by Jacko Wilink and others that BJJ is one of the best skills to build as last resort for defending yourself from a straight flesh on flesh physical encounter. Of course if you are bringing only BJJ to a knife or gun or tazer, or pepper spray conflict, your best choice (and that is, if you have the choice) may be “Run-Fu” as coined by my mentor John Corria. 

If you opponent is not versed in martial arts, BJJ will give you the advantage even against larger opponents.  Even if they are versed in striking for example, or have an overwhelming flail charge with their fists, BJJ teaches you how to close the distance and get too close in for their strikes to be effective.  From there, gravity combined with some basic takedown techniques will allow the fight to go to the ground where can can go to work with (preferably) a choke, but a joint lock if a choke is not possible. At the very least BJJ skill will allow you to secure a dominant position to control the assailant until more help can arrive or the situation calms down.

Additional Prepper Fitness Ideas

Alternative Martial Arts:  Other martial arts can offer a similar albeit less concentrated array of benefits, as BJJ, especially with building mental acuity and community.  Areas where other martial arts may fall short are with building core strength and practical self defense.  I would highly recommend Muay Thai, Boxing, Kickboxing, Judo, Sambo, and wrestling as alternatives or supplements to BJJ

Obstacle course races are similar to martial arts in they challenge the mind to coordinate with the body to generate dynamic and nuanced movements that help develop core strength.  There are several races held throughout the country such as the Savage Race, Rugged Maniac, Spartian Race, to name a few.

SERE training and other tactical survival and operations course are available to civilians to help develop core areas necessary for different survival situations.  SERE training means stands for survive, escape, resist, evade, all points relevant to preppers.  With these courses you will quickly build mental, physical strength, and hard skills and techniques to deal with natural and human threats.

There you have it, now go get it.  Developing mental and physical fitness is not easy, but good things rarely are. It’s toughest as you build, and gets easier and more rewarding (and addicting as you go).  If you’re struggling to get started, just get started. Somewhere.  Anywhere.  It does not matter how or with what. The point of this article is provide a guide on how and what to start with from the most basic level to advanced.  Now you have no (or at least fewer) excuses.

The post Smart Prepper Fitness for [Any Level] SHTF Survival appeared first on GeekPrepper.

This content was originally published here.

How to deal with gangs, mobs, and looters when SHTF

Violent gangs, mobs, rioters, and looters do not abide by the rule of law and do not fear the consequences of their actions. They only care about getting what they want. If SHTF, gangs believe there will be no lawful repercussions for their actions. When a natural disaster occurs in a city, looting becomes a widespread problem. When people go hungry, their animalistic instincts kick in and their morals dissipate. When everything goes awry in your area, crime will inevitably increase. Do you have a plan to address a mob, a gang, or a looter?

If SHTF, the gangs that struggle for power within a city will suddenly be emboldened. Turmoil and disorder will give gangs an advantage. As societal order breaks down, as police officers protect their own families first, gangs will take new risks. They won’t hesitate to use threats and firepower to get their way. You do not want to find yourself being used by a gang, so it’s important to blend in and avoid all contact with gangs as possible. Do not interfere with their doings; keep a low profile and move on. You won’t be able to successfully confront a gang unless you have strength in numbers, a negotiating strategy, a tactical strategy, and the firepower to back up your stance. (Related: The 5 guns you will need when SHTF.)

You also don’t want to permit injustice and violence toward your family. If a gang confronts you and your family, how will you respond? If you haven’t been put in a fight or flight situation before, you might not be able to process the adrenaline that comes from this experience. You may go weak and act out in ways that put you in more danger. You may funnel that adrenaline effectively and rise to the occasion.

Sponsored solution from the Health Ranger Store: Lab-verified Nascent Iodine solution is a dietary supplement that provides your body with supplemental iodine to help protect your thyroid during radiation exposure. Nuclear accidents such as Fukushima (or nuclear war) can expose your body to radioactive iodine-131, a dangerous radioisotope. Pre-loading your system with stable iodine occupies the iodine receptor sites on your organs, causing your body to naturally expel radioactive iodine you may have been exposed to through air, food, water or milk products. This defensive strategy is recommended by nearly all health authorities, worldwide, including the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Discover more at this link.

In these situations, you have to keep a level-head and not act on emotions. If you are held up by a gang, it’s time to be flexible and decisive. It’s time to improvise. Do not show weakness, but do not tempt them to use their power on you. If you give in to their demands too far, you won’t be able to have a negotiating point or a way out. Can you find a negotiating point with the gang? Can you gain leverage from your conversation with them? Many times they have abandoned all rationality. If the gang threatens to hurt you or take you or your family’s lives, be prepared to give up food, supplies, and money. You may have to sacrifice some of your pride in order to stay alive and save your family. Remember what is most important.

If you live in the city or the suburbs, you may consider creating a concealable hideout in your home. If looters break in, you can retreat to this space or ambush the threat.

During civil unrest, do not act as the moral police. Use common sense. Do not stand and stare at a mob of looters. Put your head down and move on. Do not provoke. You are outnumbered. Do not interfere with the flow of the mob.

The civil unrest will grow worse in the evening and night time hours. If you have to go out at night, carry a weapon(s) to back yourself up. You may consider having a lock pick set in case you are captured. Rebuke your own curiosity and “superhero complex.” If you aren’t highly trained in hand-to-hand combat, don’t put yourself in volatile situations. If a situation develops, don’t stand around and watch.

To prepare for anything, practice situational awareness. Know where the exits are. When you enter a room, scan the people and decipher their body language. Be aware of objects in your vicinity that could be used as distractions or weapons for improvisation. Instead of burying your eyes in your phone, think about what you’d do in a “what if” scenario. Who will you protect? How will you be able to flee? How fast will you be able to respond to a violent threat?

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(Natural News)
Because there are many medical devices available, it can get confusing to choose which ones to invest in. To help you out, here are six medical devices that may be important to have when SHTF. (h/t to

#1 Advisory external defibrillators (AEDs)

Having an AED on hand could save lives, especially in post-SHTF or other high-stress situations where heart attacks may be common. AEDs produce a shock that can stop the irregular rhythm of the heart and resets it to normal. Note that AEDs can be expensive, ranging between $400 and $2,000, but it’s a useful medical tool to have if you can afford one. If you can’t, a cheaper alternative is aspirin. Taking an aspirin right away after a heart attack can treat shockable arrhythmia and help save someone’s life. (Related: Top 12 NECESSARY items for survival when SHTF.)

#2 Blood pressure cuff

Although automatic or partial automatic blood pressure cuffs are more common and easy to use, they don’t last for a long time and are hard to repair. As an alternative, you may choose a manual blood pressure cuff to measure blood pressure. Manual ones have the potential to be useful in a long-term disaster scenario and you can get one for $20 to $100.

Reading blood pressure can help identify potentially dangerous health conditions. A normal blood pressure reading is around 120/80. A low blood pressure reading is 90/60, while a high blood pressure reading is 140/90. High blood pressure typically has no signs or symptoms, so a blood pressure-reading device is a useful medical tool to have on hand.

Mother Nature’s micronutrient secret: Organic Broccoli Sprout Capsules now available, delivering 280mg of high-density nutrition, including the extraordinary “sulforaphane” and “glucosinolate” nutrients found only in cruciferous healing foods. Every lot laboratory tested. See availability here.

#3 Finger-tip pulse oximeters

This medical device is used to measure the percentage of oxygen in the blood. It indicates how effectively the lungs and gas exchange are working in the body. This item is also inexpensive – you can buy it for $20 to $100.

#4 Glucometer

A glucometer is used to check blood sugar levels. Aside from people with diabetes, measuring blood sugar levels is also important for anyone who is seriously ill, especially children. It can also help identify whether a person has eaten enough food. You can get a glucometer without a prescription.

#5 Mercury thermometer

In some medical emergencies, you may need to check the patient’s body temperature. You can do this by using a mercury thermometer. It is accurate and does not need batteries. A normal body temperature should be around 37 C. A body temperature of up to 39 C is considered a mild fever. High fevers need to be recognized and addressed as soon as possible because they can be life-threatening. A fever of 42.4 C or higher can damage the brain permanently.

However, there are downsides to this medical device. For one, it contains mercury, a toxic element. It is also slim and made of glass, so there is a risk of it breaking. However, if you are careful with it, it can last a lifetime.

#6 Otoscope

An otoscope is used to examine the ears, allowing the user to see the ear canal and eardrum. It can help you detect ear infections or obstructions inside the ear. An otoscope with an LED, powered by a AAA battery, and 100 disposable earpieces will only cost you $20 to $30.

While these medical devices are indeed helpful, none of these items should come before getting your basics sorted. You should also invest time in learning how to safely and properly use these devices beyond the basic level to increase your chances of survival when SHTF.


This content was originally published here.

8 unlikely bug-out bag items for when SHTF

If you’ve already stocked up on food, water, firearms, and basic medical supplies, then you’re already well on your way to weathering the storm like a champ when everything hits the fan. But what about the things you might have overlooked?

The following eight items are survival supplies that you probably didn’t already think of, but that you’ll probably want to have on hand when there’s no more electricity, running water, or stores that are actually open with supplies on their shelves:

1) Fishing net and floss. In some ways, these two items are one in the same, in that either or can be used for either or if absolutely necessary. If you don’t already have a sizable stock of fishing net and floss, get some! You never know when you’ll need to tie something or create a strong line for pulling, casting, or securing – and either fishing line or floss can be used for both during an emergency.

2) Razors. Useful for more than just shaving, razors can be critical tools for cutting, slicing, or mending. Whenever you need something sharp and precise, your razors will be there to get the job done without having to resort to something makeshift like a pointy rock or stick.

3) Nail clippers and tweezers. Trust us: You don’t want to get stuck with long fingernails and toenails during an emergency scenario. Having nail clippers and tweezers on hand to deal not only with your nails but also splinters and thorns will ensure that you’re comfortable and hygienic at all times.

100% organic essential oil sets now available for your home and personal care, including Rosemary, Oregano, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Clary Sage and more, all 100% organic and laboratory tested for safety. A multitude of uses, from stress reduction to topical first aid. See the complete listing here, and help support this news site.

4) Condoms. Sure, they’re helpful for avoiding pregnancy, no matter the scenario. But condoms, believe it or not, are also useful for survival. Functioning similarly to balloons during a crisis, condoms can be filled up with water, of inflated and used as flotation devices. And because they’re designed to be strong and unbreakable, you can count on them to last.

5) Swimming goggles. Depending on the terrain where you live, having goggles on hand for swimming across a lake, up a river, or into the ocean could mean the difference between life or death. Goggles are also useful for protecting your eyes from tear gas or other airborne chemicals that might be present during an emergency situation.

6) Paper clips. You probably won’t be doing much actual paper-clipping with them, but remember that paper clips can be used for all sorts of purposes. If a zipper breaks on your jacket, for instance, a paper clip can fix it. You can also pick locks with paper clips, or make a chain – whatever you might need, paper clips can help.

7) Backup underwear. It can’t be stressed enough how important it is to have clean undergarments available at all times. While you can always wash your underwear in a nearby river or lake, you’re still going to need at least a few extra pairs to rotate, especially since life is going to be considerably more difficult once all of the conveniences of modern life are no longer available.

8) A frisbee. Who wouldn’t love a good game of Ultimate after the lights go out? All joking aside, a frisbee is useful for a whole lot more than just throwing. You can sit on one when there’s no log or chair available, and you can also prepare food on one for cooking around a campfire, using the lip as a barrier to keep everything in place and away from the dirt.

For more useful survival tips, be sure to check out

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This article was originally published by Selco at The Organic Prepper

Sometimes, real survival/prepping can be nicely organized and presented in a form of lists and tasks that you check off on your way of prepping. But no list of supplies to hoard can prepare you for the fluidity of the situation when the SHTF actually happens.

You can easily get done some preps in terms of what stuff you need and how much of it, what is really important and what not. A lot of that knowledge is available online and some people did a very good job putting that information together.

For example, you can find info what kind water filter is best for the time when clean water is not available, you can find reviews of that filter online, you can buy the item, and you are prepared.

Same with weapons, ammo, clothes…or whatever.

Same with the amount of the things that you need, there are simple tools for calculating how much of what items you need for how much persons for how long.

Information is available, you just need to research it and buy it.

But prepping in its essence should not be the simple hoarding of items. It should not be because it might easily lead you into paranoia, and another important reason is that most of us do not have means to store everything that we might need for a longer period of time.

You have to expect the fluidity of the situation

Very often you can miss the whole point if you do not count on something that I call “the fluidity of the situation”.

SHTF has at its core that “fluidity of the situation” and it can crush all your preparing or at least shock you if you do not count on it in your preps.

That fluidity means that the situation and value and importance of all your preps, solutions and plans might change all the time, and many times during the SHTF.

It sounds bit vague but it is actually simple, and it is best to describe it is with real-life examples, particularly the example of food.

The value and importance of food changed based on a few subjects: personal needs, regional circumstances, psychological needs.

Personal needs

It is very simple – do not store food that you do not like to eat.

You might think” oh but I might use it for trade” but there is not too much sense in that, because you might get into a situation that you’ll have to eat it.

With all of the problems that SHTF will bring, you do not need food that will depress you even more or that makes you even more miserable.

Chances are high that eventually if the situation is really prolonged you’ll end up eating stuff that you do not like. It does not have to be food that you actually bought and stored.

Check your needs, allergies, medical conditions, and what kind of food makes sense for you or members of your family.

Regional circumstances

Depending on your surroundings, it makes sense to store some foods more than others.

It may be different in different parts of the worlds, but look around you and check what food will be available more than others once when SHTF.

Are you living in an urban area or in rural settings? Do you live close to some major food sources of any kind?

I’ll use a personal example here for a very usual item – salt.

In my case during the whole period of SHTF, salt was available more or less all the time. You could go out and find salt through the process of trade and it was not expensive.

Or to be more precise, the trade value of salt went up 2-3 times maybe while the trade value of some other food items went up 10-15 times.

In that same period of time, in a region maybe 300 km away, salt was so rare that some people had medical problems because of the lack of it. In that region, people would take very dangerous trips through the enemy teritory over the mountains just to get some salt from another city.

It was rare.

Now I am not even sure why it was like that, probably the level of salt in some warehouses was much higher in my case when SHTF, or something else. I do not know.

But it is important to understand how different it was from region to region.

So it makes sense to figure that salt will be available easily if you live close to the sea for example. In that case, you do not need to have a huge stockpile of salt. You need other things.

Psychological needs

The psychological need for food items is a bit weird and hard to explain, and of course, it might be different for each one of us, but I’ll use examples again.

Once during the war and hunger, I stumbled upon a lot of small packages of sweet cocoa-milk cream spreads in some abandoned house.

I cannot properly explain here what that meant for me. I ate that until I got sick and it was not about being hungry. It was about having something that reminded me of peacetime and normal life, maybe even childhood. Who knows?

I ate that spread. I was dirty, hungry, scared… there was carnage around me and the city was burning in hundreds of fires, but I think I felt like I was normal again and everything else was normal around me just for that moment.

I knew a man who was crawling for an hour slowly, over the open area with few burned cars as a cover, over the area where snipers killed many folks, he was literally crawling over the dead bodies only to check if there maybe any lollipops in the small burned shop remains.

He was a big tough guy, and all that did not make sense maybe, but at the same time it made perfect sense.

He psychologically needed lollipops. Probably it reminded him of normalcy or school, or his mother maybe… who knows.

Anyway, the point is to know what items work for you and to store them. And of course, you can go one step further and check what items comfort people around you in hard times and have that too, for trade.

Other preps

I used food items above only as examples. Your other preps should follow similar steps and philosophy.

Another example that I always mention is the example of a simple cheap lighter.

It was really interesting how valuable that cheap lighter became when after a couple of months, people needed it very hard badly for fire starting and there were no stores to buy it.

Not to mention that it was a great item for store and trade since it is cheap to get today and easy to carry when SHTF.

Items that you store may have other value when the SHTF simply because again, you can’t predict the fluidity of the situation. No list of things to hoard can predict that.


About the Author

Selco survived the Balkan war of the 90s in a city under siege, without electricity, running water, or food distribution. In his online works, he gives an inside view of the reality of survival under the harshest conditions. He reviews what works and what doesn’t, tells you the hard lessons he learned, and shares how he prepares today. He never stopped learning about survival and preparedness since the war. Regardless what happens, chances are you will never experience extreme situations like Selco did. But you have the chance to learn from him and how he faced death for months. Real survival is not romantic or idealistic. It is brutal, hard and unfair. Let Selco take you into that world. Read more of Selco’s articles here: And take advantage of a deep and profound insight into his knowledge and advice by signing up for the outstanding and unrivaled online course. More details here:

Please feel free to share any information from this article in part or in full, giving credit to the author and including a link to The Organic Prepper and the following bio.

Daisy is a coffee-swigging, gun-toting, homeschooling blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, and the pursuit of liberty on her websites, The Organic Prepper and She is the author of 4 books and the co-founder of Preppers University, where she teaches intensive preparedness courses in a live online classroom setting. You can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter,.

This content was originally published here.

Control Your Type 2 Diabetes When SHTF

by Scott M., SurvivalBlog

Type 1 diabetes is where you don’t produce any or very limited insulin and have to be on insulin for your lifetime. Type 1  is found almost exclusively in children.

Type 2 is primarily in adults, but it can be found in all ages. Some symptoms of concern that should raise the suspicion of diabetes include constant hunger, extreme thirst, unexplained weight loss, sores or scratches on the skin that either fail to heal or take a prolonged healing time, excessive urination, dry mouth, itchy skin, blurred vision and repeated or difficult to treat yeast infections (either in men or women), difficulty with coordination or train of thought. Having any or a number of these symptoms does not absolutely mean you have diabetes, but it is concerning enough that you should seek testing with your physician to determine whether you have it or not.

Remember: The earlier diabetes is found the easier it can be to treat and the risk for damage to your body is decreased.

Getting Control

Getting control” is medical language for keeping your blood sugar between 80-110 mg/dl (normal range for non-diabetics and optimal range we diabetics aspire to). This is accomplished by controlling your intake of carbohydrates/sugar, exercise to open receptors in your muscles to help metabolize the carbohydrates/sugars you ingest, maintaining or losing weight, cutting back on stress, checking your blood sugar both before and after meals and managing your medications with the help of your physician.

One of the motivating factors is that in a post-SHTF world the availability of insulin in any form will be minimal to non-existent (not to mention that insulin has a rather short shelf life and must be refrigerated).

First, control the intake of carbohydrates/sugar. This is not just cutting back on candy/cakes and sweets. Carbohydrates and sugar are found in so much of the food we eat. Simple sugars can be restricted more easily than complex carbohydrates.

Really Exercise!

Next is regular exercise. This has to be an aerobic exercise where your target heart rate while exercising (220 minus your age) is multiplied by 60-70%. This heart rate is maintained at a minimum of 30 minutes 4-5 times per week.

Make sure you have your doctor’s approval to start an exercise program and remember you have to gradually build tolerance to the program as going from being sedentary to tolerating that level of exercise takes time. A fast walk will work just as well as jogging but with a great deal less stress on the joints, muscles and tissues. And remember the more you stress on your body the greater the chance of down time due to injury and the resultant loss of conditioning.

Serious About Weight Loss

Next is weight loss or maintaining weight. Losing weight is merely using more calories (such as though exercise or activity level) than you ingest.  Remember it takes a deficit of 3,500 calories to lose one pound (and an excess of 3,500 calories to gain a pound). The dietician is a great resource to help you define your ideal body weight and to help you reach your weight goals.

A good rule of thumb for ideal weight in women is 100 pounds for the first five feet of height and five pounds for every inch beyond that. For men it’s 106 pounds for the first five feet and six pounds for every inch beyond that. So, for a six foot tall man, 106+(12×6) =178 pounds.

That is based on a medium frame size. This is usually determined by reaching around your wrist with the opposite hands middle finger and thumb. If the thumb and middle finger just touch that is a medium frame. If they overlap by an inch or so that is a small frame and a 10% reduction is taken from the height based weight calculation. If the thumb and middle finger fail to touch by approximately an inch a 10% addition is added to the height based weight calculation.

Another goal is to cut back on stress. If you have a stressful job or lifestyle you need to ask yourself if your health is worth that promotion or if that new phone/car/house/keeping up with the Jones’s is really worth losing your vision or toes or possibly having a heart attack or stroke. All are potential consequences of poorly controlled diabetes. Taking a step back and deciding what really is important to you and your family will not only lengthen your life but can also make your life more fulfilling.

Stockpiling Oral Meds

Stockpiling oral medications can be achieved in a number of ways. First, let your physician know you are concerned with having access to your meds should the supply chain be disrupted. Some of your medications can be ordered in twice the strength than you are taking and broken in half. This simple method will effectively double your supply.

Another method, if your physician is willing, is to have your meds ordered through your usual pharmacy supplier (such as express scripts) and also have your physician write for the same medication in generic that you can take to Wal-Mart and buy with cash (not using your medication coverage as they will not let you double up the same medication for the same time frame).

Another is through mail order from reputable pharmacies in Canada or Mexico–again if your physician is willing to write extra scripts.

And finally, you can go into Mexico and buy your scripts without having to ask physician to write double scripts. Keep in mind you can only do this with non-narcotic medications.

Once you have the extra medications leave them in their bottles and add a desiccant and oxygen absorption packets and then place them in a vacuum pack bag and put in your freezer. This method should allow the medication to last for years as you will be protecting it from the two greatest enemies to medicine; heat and oxidation.

Make sure you rotate the older medication with the newly acquired. The methods listed in this section can be used for any medication you are on with the exception of narcotics and controlled medications.

Online Resources

Finally, I would like to recommend some great reference sites: (American Academy of Family Practice),,,,, and (National Institutes of Health).

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(Natural News)
Foraging for food during an emergency situation is quite different from when you’re just leisurely hiking. When it comes to food — especially the ones that you’ll need to eat to survive — you have to make sure that you have the right set of skills to identify which foods are safe to eat and which aren’t. (h/t to

If you don’t know it, don’t eat it

Always err on the side of caution when foraging for food. In survival foraging, remember the most basic rule: If you can’t identify it, don’t eat it. This rule is especially important when it comes to plants and berries. Some berries — like pokeweed — may look safe and yummy but are actually lethal. The best way to prepare for this is to have a guidebook that will help you identify your plants. We also recommend that you take the time to look at the type of food around your home and/or homestead.

With regards to animals, insects are usually pretty safe to eat. Another safe choice for you are earthworms, which become a nutritious meal after you cook them. The best way to get a bunch of worms is to pound soil with a mallet, club, or staff. Worms respond to these vibrations and will crawl up to the surface.

Looking for edible plants

Depending on the region of the United States you live in, edible plants will grow in different landscapes. In general, however, edible plants will be found in sunny areas in humid zones, and near water sources in drier climates.

If you are in the woods or an unknown place, look for plants that grow in abundance. Avoid plants that you see are found in only one or two spots in an area. That being said, remember to always perform the universal edibility test (a test that will help you know if a plant will make you sick or not) on any plant you are not fully certain of.

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Never eat plants that have any of these characteristics:

Cooking the food

If you find a safe-enough location, you might want to cook the food you forage. A lot of natural plants can be used to substitute other cooking ingredients. Dandelions, for example, can be boiled and eaten like carrots. Try experimenting with the plants found around your home. Some fruits and flowers give a unique flavor to certain dishes.

Be careful with brightly-colored food

Learn from Mother Nature: She isn’t subtle in giving out warnings. Stay away from plants and animals that are incredibly bright in color. Usually, the bright colors mean they are highly toxic or too dangerous to even touch.

This applies to amphibians as well. Do not attempt to eat or hunt for frogs that are brightly colored.

As with any SHTF scenario, remember to always consider your safety first. Do not attempt to forage for food if you will risk your own personal safety in doing so.

This content was originally published here.